4 Tips for Women Working in a Man's World
It's hard to be one of the guys when, well, you are not a guy. If you are a woman working in a male-dominated field or office, you likely want to be seen as an equal who is capable of doing her job. These four tips will help you succeed at your work and fit in with your co-workers.
你不是男人,所以也很难成为男人中的一员 。如果你是一个在男人为主的领域或者办公地点工作的女人,那么你会很希望能被那些可以胜任自己工作的男人公平看待 。这四大秘诀将会帮助你在工作中取得成功,也适用于你的同事 。
1. Display Confidence
Don't be afraid to show your confidence. At Forbes, they advise businesspeople of both genders that those who display confidence get noticed more. You were hired because you are competent and capable, so don't be a wallflower. Take the lead.
不要怯于表现自己的信心 。可以从福布斯的成功案例中得到一个启示:善于表现出信心的两种性别的商人更容易引人注意 。公司雇用你是因为你的能力可靠,所以不要做公司的花瓶 。要敢为人先 。
2. Take Criticism Well
Some people take criticism better than others, regardless of gender. If you are a woman working in a male-dominated profession or environment, learn to take criticism well. Consider the validity of the feedback and recognize the opportunity for you to improve your work. Getting wrapped up in emotion will make things worse, but simply applying the lessons you've learned from negative feedback will help you get ahead.
无论性别,和其他人相比,一些人总是能够更好地接受批评 。如果你是在男性主导的职业或者环境中工作的女性朋友,那么就应当学会善于接受批评 。要思考反馈信息的有效性,并且要认清提升工作表现的机会 。沉陷在自己的情感中不能自拔,只会让事情变得更糟糕 。只要简单地应用消极反馈中的教训,你就能取得进步 。
3. Network
Make friends with your male colleagues and grow your professional network. Find a mentor in your workplace, if possible. After you have been working in one place for a while, you may even get to mentor a newcomer. This benefits you, as well, as you are perceived as the confident, capable woman who has wisdom to share that you are.
要和你的男性同事交朋友,并且扩展自己的职业关系网 。如果可能的话,可以在工作的地方找一位导师 。这也会使你获利,因为他们会认为你是一位有信心、有能力,而且可以分享智慧的女人 。
4. Choose Your Battles
Certainly, some battles need to be fought. If you are being treated in an unprofessional manner, or worse, harassed, you likely should stand up for yourself and fight to have the perpetrators held accountable.
当然,有些战斗是需要努力抗争的 。如果你受到了非专业方式的对待,或者更糟,比如说骚扰,那你就应当站出来维护自己,并且通过抗争来让犯错的人承担责任 。
However, not every situation is worth going to war over. Having a sense of humor or a thick skin does not make you a pushover. The ability to laugh things off and recognize when the intent was not to offend may help you get ahead. Remember, you choose what makes you upset and which battles are worth fighting. Choose wisely.
然而,并非每种情况都是值得抗争的 。幽默感或者厚脸皮会使你更加富有战斗力 。一笑置之和识别非侵犯意图的能力可以帮你获得提升 。记住,你可以选择什么事情使自己沮丧,也可以选择什么战斗值得抗争 。要做出明智的选择 。
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