日期:2015-04-04 16:19


If there is consensus on any single trade these uncertain days, it is that the dollar will continue rising, up 23 per cent since June, albeit with some volatility. Equally, there is agreement that an ascendant dollar will only aggravate the negative circumstances of emerging markets. “2015 may turn out to be the year of localised emerging market currency crises,” notes Stephen Jen, of SLJ Macro in London.
在最近这种不确定的日子里,如果说人们还对某个市场走向有共同的看法,那就是美元将继续上涨——自去年6月以来美元已经上涨了23%,尽管中间有一些波动。人们还认为,美元不断上涨肯定会使新兴市场的处境更加不利。伦敦SLJ Macro的任永力(Stephen Jen)指出:“2015年新兴市场可能遭遇局部性的货币危机。”
Less alarmingly, JPMorgan economists recently noted: “Many emerging markets are hobbled by some combination of depressed corporate profitability, excessive private sector leverage, tight financial conditions and poor governance,” to which add fears of capital outflows.
There is a lot of history on the side of the pessimists. Many emerging market corporates set aside the lessons of history and borrowed cheap dollars a few years ago, even if they lacked dollar revenues. They assumed that a rise was improbable — given that one of the points of quantitative easing in the US was precisely to weaken the dollar.
But now that the US appears to be moving (however reluctantly) to raise rates, while the Bank of Japan and the European Central Bank continue on the path of aggressive monetary easing, the euro and yen have dropped against the greenback, as have the currencies of virtually every emerging market. The notable exception to the general pattern, of course, is the Chinese renminbi, or yuan, (which is also an exception to Mr Jen’s generalisation that now is the time to sell four letter currencies). Today, many market participants assume the dollar will strengthen further, the euro and yen will continue to weaken and the Chinese will inevitably devalue their currency.
But neither the dollar nor the renminbi may fulfil those widespread expectations. Among those who think the dollar is at its cyclical peak is David Bloom, the chief currency strategist of HSBC, who notes that the dollar is already up 40 per cent since its 2011 low, a rise that way exceeds its average 20 per cent move against other currencies.
但无论是美元还是人民币都可能不会满足那些普遍预期。汇丰(HSBC)首席外汇策略师戴维•布卢姆(David Bloom)等一些人就认为,美元已处于周期的顶部。布卢姆指出,美元自2011年低点以来上涨了40%,这已经远远超过了它对其他货币平均20%的涨幅。
“We are in the last throes of the US dollar bull party,” he warns. “Time to leave.”
Mr Bloom adds that recent macro data in the US fall short of expectations; that the US government is likely to resist further appreciation because of its impact on everything from corporate earnings to exports, and that market positioning suggests the dollar is overbought. Moreover, he points out the pattern is that the dollar rises on talk of rate increases but does not move further up when the Fed actually embarks on rate rises.
It is equally probable that the markets are wrong on China looking for a weaker currency.
“China is the great exception,” notes Chen Long of Gave Kal Dragonomics, a research boutique, in a recent piece entitled “Don’t Bet on a Renminbi Depreciation.” That is partly because Beijing is not pursuing the conventional Asian mercantilist policy of driving down its currency to support exports in a zero sum game.
研究机构龙洲经讯(Gave Kal Dragonomics)的陈龙在最近发表的一篇名为《别押注人民币贬值》(Don’t Bet on a Renminbi Depreciation)的文章中指出,“中国是一大例外”。其中一个原因是,北京方面目前没有奉行亚洲传统的重商主义政策,即不玩压低本币汇率以支持出口的零和游戏。
It is true, of course, that the growth of debt in China has been vast and that a large part of it is dollar denominated. Cross-border claims on all Chinese borrowers rose almost 40 per cent from September 2013 to September 2014. Chinese non-renminbi denominated corporate debt has gone from $270bn in 2008 to $983bn in 2014, according to data from Morgan Stanley. (Of total debt in China, more than a quarter is in US dollars.) That is a constraint, but the main argument against more than a slight depreciation of the currency is not about the debt, or even about capital outflows, which the government frets about and monitors carefully, despite its $3.8tn in reserves.
当然,中国债务大规模增长而且很大一部分债务以美元计价,这是事实。从2013年9月到2014年9月,中国各类借款人的跨境负债总额增长了近40%。摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的数据显示,2014年,中国非人民币计价的企业债务从2008年的2700亿美元增加至9830亿美元(在中国的全部债务中,逾四分之一是以美元计价的)。这是一个约束因素,但人民币不会大幅贬值的主要理由与债务无关,甚至也与资本外流无关——尽管中国拥有3.8万亿美元外汇储备,但中国政府仍对资本外流感到担心,并对此密切监控。
In fact, China is playing a longer and a different game. Unlike most of its competitors it is relying on moving up the value added curve, developing innovative technology and leading edge research for its competitive edge. It is moving away from its (and its Asian neighbours’) export-driven manufacturing model and the quick fix of depreciation. It is also moving toward a more domestic demand-driven economy. More importantly, it has determined that a stable to gradually appreciating currency is the best approach of eventually challenging the US dollar’s hegemony as the world’s only reserve currency.
There are lots of question marks about the probability of that happening outside China. But inside, there is a lot more certainty.
