日期:2015-04-07 15:35


On her wildly successful YouTube channel, Michelle Phan has harnessed the power of makeup to transform herself into Snow White, Princess Jasmine, Mulan and more. But these conversions pale in comparison to the 27-year-old’s real-life Cinderella story.
Once upon a time, during her freshman year of design college, Phan applied for a gig at a local Lancome counter. A gifted illustrator, Phan passed the makeup demo test with flying colors, but was ultimately deemed unfit for the position due to a lack of previous experience.


“I believe that rejection is a blessing because it’s the universe’s way of telling you that there’s something better out there,” she says. “And that something better was my laptop and my camera.”
Two years later, as Phan’s videos began to spread across YouTube like wildfire, a Lancome executive stumbled upon one of her tutorials. In a bid to imbue the venerable brand with a digital edge, she reached out to Phan and ultimately signed her as Lancome’s first official video makeup artist.
“Delayed gratification,” Phan says with a laugh. “That was the universe saying, ‘See, I told you so.’”
If rising through YouTube’s ranks to create one of the platform’s most successful channels is an unlikely feat, spinning that momentum into a company with a $120 million annual sales run-rate is a rarer accomplishment still. But that is precisely what Phan has done with Ipsy, a beauty sampling service that counts 100 employees and marks her most lucrative venture yet.
Ipsy, which charges users $10 per month for a ‘Glam Bag’ full of five sample-sized beauty products, just crossed the 1 million subscriber milestone, says CEO Marcelo Camberos — a former Funny or Die exec who co-founded the company with Phan in 2011.
该公司首席执行官马塞洛o坎贝罗斯表示,Ipsy向用户收取每月10美元的费用,向他们提供“Glam Bag”美妆包,内含五种美妆样品,该服务的订购者已经突破了100万人大关。马塞洛曾是搞笑网站Funny or Die的高管,在2011年与潘共同创立了这家公司。
And unlike rival Birchbox, which has raised almost $72 million in funding, and which has forayed into traditionalTV advertising as well as brick-and-mortar retail, Ipsy says that its subscribers are predominantly a product of Phan’s massive social reach.
“We have over 100,000 new Glam Bag subscribers joining every month,” Camberos said, “and this growth has been completely organic with no marketing or PR spend.” This year, Ipsy will become the biggest company in the sampling space, he says.
Birchbox declined to comment for this story. But last April, the company pegged its subscriber count at 800,000. Unlike Ipsy, however, Birchbox also vends full-sized products on its online shop, which at the time accounted for 30 percent of annual revenues of $125 million.
While much of Birchbox’s early growth came care of social media buzz, including a proliferation of so-called ‘unboxing videos’ on YouTube amid its founding in 2010, Ipsy has made online influencers the centerpiece of its business model. Today, the company works with over 500 YouTubers and Instagrammers in the beauty realm — including bold-faced names like Bethany Mota — some of whom are paid to discuss participating brands on their social media channels.
“The videos are done in a very authentic way, where it doesn’t feel like a commercial,” says Phan. “A lot of these people are up ‘n’ coming YouTubers. It’s a great way to incubate your brand.”
And brands are clamoring for a piece of the action. While 700,000 beauty products are submitted to Ipsy for consideration each month, brands cannot pay to appear in boxes, explains Ipsy president Jennifer Goldfarb. Rather, they furnish inventory in exchange for the marketing exposure — only if the stylists choose to recommend them.
与此同时,美妆品牌也很需要这种方式。Ipsy公司总裁詹妮弗o戈德法布表示,尽管Ipsy每个月都会收到70万种毛遂自荐的美妆产品,但美妆品牌无法通过付费方式获得Glam Bag的推荐。当然,为了营销展示,他们会提供存货——只要造型师决定推荐。
Ipsy’s stylists stand to gain from this arrangement as well, Goldfarb explains. Because the company invests so heavily in its own creator ecosphere, stylists tend to see their followings skyrocket after coming onboard.
For instance, as opposed to foraying into physical retail or spending costly marketing dollars, Ipsy unveiled last year a 2,500-square-foot production facility in Los Angeles, which serves as a filming and editing hub.
Additionally, the company hosts an annual convention called Generation Beauty in Los Angeles, where attendees flock to meet their favorite digital celebrities and rub elbows with major players from the beauty and digital media industries. The event is slated to debut in New York later this year.
此外,该公司每年会在洛杉矶举办“一代佳人”大会(Generation Beauty)。每年都有大批参会者涌向自己最喜欢的网络名人那里,与美妆和数字媒体行业的重量级人物亲密接触。这项盛会计划在今年晚些时候首次移至纽约。
While Ipsy is Phan’s biggest money-maker to date, future endeavors are also sweeping in scope. This summer, Phan will launch a mobile app packed with photo and video editing software — dovetailing with another one of her larger aspirations: to equip young followers with tech proficiencies and other marketable skills.
“So many of my followers who just graduated can’t get jobs, they’re hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt and they don’t know what to do,” she says. “My dream is to see a new generation of entrepreneurs who are creating and having more meaningful jobs than the day-to-day grind.”
To this end, Phan joined Michelle Obama on a trip to Japan last month to promote education as part of The White House’s Let Girls Learn initiative.
为了实现这一目标,潘上个月跟随美国第一夫人米歇尔o奥巴马前往日本推动教育。这是白宫“让女孩学习”(Let Girls Learn)倡议的一个环节。
Other successful ventures include a beauty line called em, a book entitled Make Up: Your Life Guide to Beauty, Style, and Success — Online and Off and the social media-centric record label Shift Music Group.
除此之外,潘还包括创立了一个名为EM的个人彩妆品牌,撰写了一部著作:《化妆:通往美丽、时尚与成功的人生指南——线上与线下》(Make Up: Your Life Guide to Beauty, Style, and Success — Online and Off) ,成立了一家基于社交媒体的唱片公司Shift Music Group。
And in video, where Phan first made her name, she continues to break new ground. Today, Phan launched a global online video network called ICON in collaboration with Dutch production giant Endemol. The network will produce original content from a variety of big-name creators in the beauty, fashion, wellness, DIY, food, human interest and travel spaces, which will be distributed across YouTube, Dailymotion, Roku, Pluto TV, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest and Tumblr.
而在其最初成名的视频领域,她也在继续开拓创新。如今,潘与荷兰的电视节目制作巨头恩德摩尔公司推出了一个名为ICON的全球在线视频站。化妆、时尚、健康、DIY、美食、人类利益和旅行空间的大腕人物,都会在这个网站发布原创内容,并传播到YouTube、Dailymotion、Roku、Pluto TV、Facebook、Twitter、Instagram、Snapchat、Pinterest和Tumblr等社交媒体上。
As the future of YouTube has been called into question of late, Phan says that her content can live anywhere. “Platforms will come and go, but content is king,” she says. “At the end of the day, I’m platform-agnostic — I go where my followers are.”

  • tendv. 趋向,易于,照料,护理
  • initiativeadj. 创始的,初步的,自发的 n. 第一步,首创精神
  • executiveadj. 行政的,决策的,经营的,[计算机]执行指令 n
  • realmn. 王国,领域
  • networkn. 网络,网状物,网状系统 vt. (以网络)覆
  • momentumn. 动力,要素,势头,(物理)动量
  • retailn. 零售 vt. 零售,传述 adv. 以零售形式
  • varietyn. 多样,种类,杂耍
  • shiftn. 交换,变化,移动,接班者 v. 更替,移转,变声
  • venerableadj. 庄严的,值得尊敬的