Even if you're not superstitious,it's hard not to ascribe other people's good fortune to luck. Everyone knows that one person who seems to always be in the right place at the right time, getting more than their fair share of promotions, raises, and desks nearthe window. So how do these folks do it?
纵然你不迷信,还是很容易把别人的成功归咎于幸运 。我们知道,有的人总是能够做好所有的事情,在升职、加薪方面比一般人得到更多的机会,还有得到靠近窗口的办公桌 。那么这些人是如何做到的呢?
1.Observe their surroundings.
敏锐观察 。
One of the ironies of working life is that the hardest working people usually havetheir heads down and their eyes on their own page. This is admirable, but ifyou allow yourself to develop tunnel vision, you won't notice opportunities when they present themselves.
勤奋工作的人被讽刺说只会埋头于自己的那点工作上 。他们是令人钦佩的,但是如果你仍然带有一孔之见,当机会来临的时候,你会错过它们 。
In one experiment designed by Richard Wiseman, a former magician and psychologist who studies luck, he asked people to self identify themselves as lucky or unlucky. Then he gave his test subjects a newspaper. "Countthe number of photographs inside," he told them.
曾做过魔术师并且专门研究幸运的心理学家,理查德·威斯曼(RichardWiseman)设计了一个实验,在实验中,他让实验者把自己标识为幸运和不幸运两种 。然后给他们测试用的报纸 。“数一下里面有多少图片 。”他告诉实验者 。
On average, the unlucky people took 2 minutes tocount them all. The lucky people? Seconds.
认为自己不幸运的人平均用了2分钟的时间数出了所有图片 。那么幸运的人呢?只有2秒钟 。
The lucky people noticed the giant message in the newspaper.The unlucky people missed it. The"lucky" people weren't lucky. They were just more observant.
幸运的人注意到了报纸上的巨大信息量,而不幸运的人却错过了它们 。幸运的人不是幸运,他们只不过是观察力敏锐而已 。
2.Are likeable.
平易近人 。
There are two equally qualified candidates with similar skills, work histories, andsalary requirements. Who gets the job? The one the hiring manager likes more.
两个具有同样资历的应聘者,他们有类似的技能、相似的工作经历和工资要求 。谁可以得到这份工作?是招聘者喜欢的那一个 。
This isn't as unfair as it sounds. When evaluating candidates for a position, managers are looking first for the person who can do the best job and secondfor the person who'll be the easiest to work alongside. In today's team-basedwork environment, anything else would be foolish.
这听上去好像不是很公平 。在对员工进行职位评估的时候,首先管理者评估的是谁可以更好的完成工作,然后再评估工作中谁更容易相处 。在今天这个团队合作的工作环境下,除了这些,其它的都不重要 。
Being likeable isn't about being the person with best seats at the stadium. It's about listening more than you speak, looking for opportunities to help others instead of solely asking for favors for your career.
成为人缘好的人并不是说能在体育场拥有最好的座位,而是少说话、多倾听,寻找机会去帮助他人,而非一味的向别人索取工作上的帮助 。
3. Break bad habits of thought.
心态积极 。
Thinking about good things might not cause them to appear, but dwelling on the negative will definitely close you off from seeing opportunities when they arise.Practice redirecting your thoughts when you catch yourself thinking negatively,and you'll cultivate a head space that allows you to see the good stuff when it's there. Do this long enough, and it'll be easier to create your own opportunities for growth and advancement, and get other higher-ups to endors eyour plans.
如果你去想好的事情,或许不会出现,但是如果你一直沉溺于消极的情绪之中,当机会来临的时候,这些会蒙蔽你的双眼 。当发现消极情绪的时候,学会改变自己的想法,建立起一个安全空间 。当好运来临的时候,你就可以注意到 。长时间做这件事情,你会很容易创造出自己成长和进步的机会,并得到上级领导的赞许 。