The euro fell closer to parity with the dollar yesterday, as the US currency’s strength heightened the policy conundrum facing the US Federal Reserve as it prepares for its first interest-rate rise in nearly a decade.
The euro dipped under $1.06 as Mario Draghi, the European Central Bank president, credited the cheap single currency with helping the reversal in the eurozone’s slowdown and said euro area developments are “pointing in the right direction”.
欧元兑美元汇率跌破1欧元兑1.06美元水平。欧洲央行(ECB)行长马里奥•德拉吉(Mario Draghi)认为廉价的单一货币有助于逆转欧元区经济放缓,称欧元区各项发展正“指向正确的方向”。
The moves come as the Fed prepares for a key policy meeting next week at which it is expected to lay the groundwork for a rate rise as soon as June by dropping a pledge to be “patient”. The dollar is rising in part because of the prospect of higher interest rates and stronger growth. That is squeezing earnings of exporters and US companies with large global operations, and could damp inflation as import prices fall.
Some US policy makers concede that the value of the greenback has triggered concern among corporations. James Bullard, president of the St Louis Fed, told the Financial Times he could understand some of the “consternation” but that big companies can hedge their currency exposure. The bulk of the dollar gains may have happened, he added.
美国一些政策制定者承认,美元汇率已经在企业界引发忧虑。圣路易斯联储(St Louis Fed)行长詹姆士•布拉德(James Bullard)向英国《金融时报》(Financial Times)表示,他可以理解某些“恐慌”,但是大企业可以对冲其汇率风险敞口。他补充称,美元上涨的大部分可能已经发生。
“We are trying to run the best monetary policy for the United States that we can,” he said, warning that an interest rate rise was already overdue. “We are going to let the exchange rate go where it needs to go to equilibrate international markets.”
Gary Cohn, president and chief operating officer at Goldman Sachs, said the foreign exchange moves were putting the Fed in “a very tough position”.
高盛(Goldman Sachs)总裁兼首席运营官盖瑞•柯恩(Gary Cohn)称,汇市变动将美联储置于“一个非常艰难的境地”。
He added: “The Fed is going to be continuously in this tough dilemma where they are going to want to raise interest rates — and I fundamentally understand why they want to raise interest rates — but they are going to be constrained by circumstances and be concerned by the strength of the dollar, and other countries around the world are going to continue to devalue,” he said.
Chris Williamson of Markit, who forecast in December that the euro would reach parity against the dollar this year, said: “The Fed looking like it was going to raise rates in 2015 was always going to hit the exchange rate. The clear divergence between the US central bank and the ECB is the big market play in 2015.”
Markit的克里斯•威廉姆森(Chris Williamson)曾在去年12月预测,欧元将在今年触及与美元平价的水平。他称:“美联储看起来将在2015年加息,这必然会影响汇率。美国央行与欧洲央行之间的明显分化将是2015年的市场主旋律。”
The single currency’s depreciation, alongside lower oil prices and the bank’s quantitative easing programme, had led ECB economists to upgrade their economic forecasts, Mr Draghi said at a conference in Frankfurt.
The euro fell 1.6 per cent yesterday to a 12-year low of $1.0524 and has dropped 12 per cent since the start of the year. The dollar index, measuring the currency against a basket of its major peers, rose nearly 0.9 per cent to a 12-year high of 99.649.
The ECB now expects growth of 1.5 per cent this year, up from a December estimate of 1 per cent.