The scale of Huawei’s ambitions as a provider of global telecoms equipment was made apparent by the size of the vast building it occupied in the first hall met by visitors entering Mobile World Congress.
中国华为(Huawei)在世界移动通信大会(Mobile World Congress)第一展厅占据的巨大展台,昭示了它作为一家全球电信设备提供商的抱负。
Now the group wants to be at the forefront of the next generation of mobile technology — the so-called 5G networks — which is still so early in its development that even the definition of what it might be is still being debated.
Ken Hu, deputy chairman of Huawei, has his own ideas about how 5G will look — connections for more than 100bn devices with speeds of up to 10Gbps — and makes it clear that the Chinese telecoms group will be in a leading position to set standards in future.
华为副董事长胡厚昆(Ken Hu)对5G前景的理解是,5G技术会以每秒最高10Gb的速度将超过1000亿件设备联接在一起。他明确表示,在为5G技术标准制定上,华为将处于领先地位。
This is important for Huawei as it could end up owning the essential patents that the telecoms industry needs to license in future.
Ownership of patents has been big business for companies such as Nokia and Ericsson, which dominated much of the intellectual property rights from previous generations of network and mobile devices. This time, Huawei is in the race to develop 5G network ideas, working both collaboratively at an industry level but also in its own labs.
“Undoubtedly Huawei has become one of the leaders when it comes to 5G,” said Mr Hu. “We started six years ago and made a large number of technological breakthroughs. It can definitely help Huawei take a stronger position in terms of 5G related IPR.”