On Valentine’s Day, Tian Huimin is marrying the man she met when she logged on to the company’s singles chatroom to ask if anyone could give her a lift home. He volunteered and the rest was “fate”, she says.
That is, fate plus Baidu, the Chinese tech giant that, like many other companies in Beijing, sponsors dating events and singles clubs to keep its young workforce happy and loyal.
Staff turnover, or “grasshopping”, is among the biggest headaches for employers in the fast-growing tech sector and matchmaking is becoming an attractive company perk as businesses search for ways to retain employees.
“Once an employee is married, job stability increases significantly,” says Alex Edmunds, co-founder of Conflagr8, a Beijing-based matchmaking service that gets about half its revenue from corporate events. He points out that US surveys show that newly married employees are 11 per cent less likely to leave their jobs — a figure that rises with each year of marriage — and similar trends hold true in China.
“一旦员工结婚,工作稳定程度就会显著提高,”北京婚介服务“凑凑吧”(Conflagr8)联合创始人艾德瑞(Alex Edmunds)表示。他指出,美国的调查显示,新婚员工离职的可能性降低11%,而且随着婚姻的持续,这个数字逐年上升,中国也存在类似的趋势。“凑凑吧”大约一半的营收来自企业活动。
Beijing-based tech companies are savvy cupids, jointly hosting events with female-heavy companies such as banks and even local government departments that are getting in on the matchmaking act.
These marriages made on the shop floor may prove as perfect as those made in heaven: IT engineers have good salaries and government employees have the cherished hukou, or city registration, that allows a couple to buy a home or educate their child in Beijing.
Baidu is typical of the tech companies crowded into Zhongguancun, China’s equivalent of Silicon Valley. About 60 per cent of its 46,000-strong workforce is male and the average age is 26. A company survey showed 19 per cent of its single employees had never been in love.
“Most engineers are shy and they find dating a little hard. So we hold these activities to help them,” says Summer Zhang, who co-ordinates club activities at IBM, the US tech group in Beijing.
“大多数工程师都害羞,他们发现约会有点令人不知所措。因此我们举办这些活动来帮助他们,”为美国科技集团IBM在北京协调俱乐部活动的Summer Zhang表示。
Corporate singles events tend to be modelled on the hit Chinese TV show If You Are the One with games and quizzes to break the ice. Relationships begun at the singles club can flourish through a variety of other clubs hosted by large companies in China — popular choices are hiking, music and badminton.
“These days singles have a lot of problems, and companies want to help,” says Zhang Kongying, the human resources employee who oversees Baidu’s 20 staff activity clubs, including its singles club.
Chief among these problems are their parents. To keep long-distant anxious parents supportive of their only child working in Beijing, Baidu sends out an annual newsletter, including its club activities. Parents send handwritten notes back “urging more singles events”, Ms Zhang says.
Last year four couples who had met at singles’ events got married, including the president of the singles’ club. Indeed, such is the success that Baidu is thinking of hosting a mass wedding party this year.
What in the west might seem an intrusion of work into private time is welcome in Beijing, where young singles are far from home and lonely at weekends, says Ms Tian, who is retiring as head of Baidu’s singles club following her marriage. “The point is for singles to get together and have fun. We want our single life to broaden, we want to find people in common to enjoy our life.”