Plenty of lives are admirable or eventful, but only a very few are so influential that it’s difficult to wrap your head around just how much they meant to the world. Thomas A. Edison lived such a life, and it receives a thorough two-hour examination in Tuesday’s “American Experience” on PBS.
很多人的一生令人钦佩或充满变故,但只有极少数人的影响力如此重大,连深刻理解他们对世界的意义都不是一件容易的事。托马斯·A·爱迪生(Thomas A. Edison)的人生就是这样的,PBS频道周二(本文发表于2015年1月27日。)播出的《美国体验》(American Experience)栏目将用两个小时来详细回顾爱迪生的一生。
A well-chosen collection of historians and other experts take us through Edison’s life, from his birth in Ohio in 1847 to his death in New Jersey in 1931. They sometimes struggle to convey just how earthshaking it was to go from lamplight to electric light, from a world where the human voice was ephemeral to one where it could be captured and preserved, but who wouldn’t?
They are particularly good at conveying that what made Edison special wasn’t so much his inventions as knowing what to do with them. As several note, he didn’t merely invent things, he invented the profession of inventor. And, especially with the light bulb, he tackled not just the technological problem, but also the infrastructure needed to illuminate homes.
“You had to be able to not just marshal the science, but then put the people and the money, the capital and the organizations together,” the historian Nancy F. Koehn, a professor at the Harvard Business School, says. “And the politics. I can’t think of another figure who could operate on all those different levels.”
“能够引领科学还不够,你还必须把人力、金钱、资本和组织结合起来,”史学家、哈佛商学院教授南希·F·克恩(Nancy F. Koehn)说,“还有政治。我想不出还有哪个人物能运作所有这些不同层面。”
Edison’s story, though, was also one of celebrity and its hazards. He became world famous, and practically no one reaches those heights without problems. A falling out with a friend, unflattering efforts to discredit other inventors and entrepreneurs and more are duly noted.
But he ended his life widely revered. Would we still be reading by kerosene lamp had Edison not lived? No; someone else would have made that breakthrough and the others credited to him. The impressive part is that the same guy had a hand in so many transformative changes.