As a designer in the CFDA Fashion Incubator, an initiative supported by W Hotels Worldwide that fosters young fashion brands, Misha Nonoo was given a round-trip ticket to travel abroad this winter to seek inspiration for her forthcoming resort and spring 2016 collections. She spun the globe and put her finger on Beijing. “I’ve always been fascinated by the Great Wall and the immense history of Beijing,” she says. “And now that China has the number-one economy, I was curious to see how it would change in the future.” Having grown up in Bahrain and London before moving to Paris and later New York, Nonoo has something of a gypsy spirit, which is often evident in her collections. For spring 2013, she nodded to Havana’s languid climes with crisp white silhouettes and colorful prints, while the following season she featured a palette of black-and-red fabrics and furry hats reminiscent of a trip to the Russian countryside.
米莎·诺努(Misha Nonoo)是美国时装设计师协会时装孵化项目的一名设计师,该项目由W全球酒店(W Hotels Worldwide)赞助,致力于培育年轻时装品牌。诺努得到了一张往返机票,可以在这个冬季出国旅行,为即将到来的2016度假和春夏时装系列寻找灵感。她转动地球仪,手指停在了北京。“我一直对长城以及北京悠久的历史着迷,”她说,“现在,中国经济在世界上首屈一指,我对它未来会如何变化很好奇。”诺努在巴林和伦敦长大,后来搬到了巴黎和纽约,她身上有一种吉卜赛精神,这也经常醒目地体现在她的服装系列之中。她的2013年春夏系列通过清新的白底彩色印花向哈瓦那慵懒的气候致意,而在之后的一季,她的黑红面料和毛皮帽子让人想起俄罗斯乡村之旅。
Upon landing in Beijing for her six-day scouting trip, Nonoo acclimated herself by hopping on the city’s mass transit system. “When you go by car, you just arrive somewhere; you don’t take the actual journey,” she says. “The subway is dirt-cheap and fast, and nothing is written in English so you need to get detailed descriptions of what the characters look like for where you’re going. It’s totally foreign. When you’re confused by your surroundings, I find that deepens the adventure.” Here, Nonoo shares snapshots of what caught her eye.