TEHRAN, Iran — The low rumble of powerful engines reverberated against the high-rises of Zaferanieh, an upmarket neighborhood, as Porsches and Mercedes lined up to enter the multistory parking lot of a fancy new shopping mall, the Palladium, the latest addition to Tehran’s shopping scene.
Iran may be facing a dangerous economic abyss, with an empty treasury, historically low oil prices and the continuing damage of Western economic sanctions, but one indicator is going through the roof: Developers have broken ground on a record 400 shopping malls across the country, 65 in Tehran alone.
In part, the malls are a lagging indicator, a testament to a not-so-distant past when Iran was raking in record oil profits, earning more than $700 billion in the last decade. Awash in money, with a relatively strong currency, Iranians developed a taste for luxury, setting off a boom in construction projects to host new shopping experiences.
But the mall-building boom also reflects other factors, as construction and investment companies affiliated with the Revolutionary Guards Corps and the police have led the way.
不过,购物中心热还反映了其他一些因素,与伊斯兰革命卫队(Revolutionary Guards Corps)及警方有关系的建筑与投资公司在这股热潮中一马当先。
“Under sanctions, with nowhere else to invest, building shopping malls is the only lucrative business in Iran,” said Jamshid Edalatian, an economist. “The Guards, the police and other institutions are the ones who have money, so it is logical for them to invest in what makes a profit.”
“在制裁之下,没有别的地方可以投资,建购物中心是伊朗眼下唯一利润丰厚的生意,”经济学家贾姆希德·伊达拉季安(Jamshid Edalatian)说。“只有卫队和警察这样的机构才坐拥资金,所以他们投资到可以赚钱的领域是合理的选择。”
Together with banks, wealthy individuals and powerful foundations, tax-exempt organizations that are supposed to care for the poor, Iran’s security forces are building malls with Western-sounding names such as Rose, Mega Mall and Atlas Plaza. Their bright neon letters stand in sharp contrast to the revolutionary slogans painted on murals in surrounding neighborhoods, labeling consumerism a Western illness and taboo under Iran’s rigid ideology.
与银行、富裕的个人、有势力的基金及本该为穷人提供帮助的免税机构一起,伊朗的安全部门正在修建诸多如“玫瑰”(Rose)、“美嘉商场”(Mega Mall)和“阿特拉斯广场”(Atlas Plaza)这样名称带着西式风情的购物中心。它们外面挂着鲜亮的霓虹字母,与附近社区墙上刷着的革命口号形成了鲜明对照。在那些口号中,遵照伊朗严苛的意识形态,消费主义是西式病态的象征,应予禁绝。
Not so long ago, shopping in revolutionary Iran was a dull experience, with hole-in-the-wall stores offering the same clothes, electronics and furniture. Shopping was considered a necessary evil meant to support a life of religious piety. Commercials, once banned on state television and billboards, are now allowed, but only for Iranian products.
The new malls represent a departure from all this. Customers can stroll past Nike and Massimo Dutti stores, order freshly baked baguettes in the ground level supermarket or work out at the penthouse gym overlooking the city and its majestic Alborz mountain range.
然而,新的购物中心与这一切背道而驰。客人们可以悠闲地逛耐克(Nike)和Massimo Dutti店铺、在底层的超市购买新鲜出炉的法棍,或者在顶层的健身房鸟瞰全城,观赏雄伟的厄尔布尔士山脉。
“We cater to what people desire to do: spending money, buying stuff and enjoying themselves as they shop” said the owner of the Palladium, Hassan Raftari, who described himself as a shopaholic. The scion of a family famous for its kebab restaurants, Mr. Raftari led a business expansion into the construction of luxury apartment buildings. During his trips abroad, he said, he would always wonder why shopping in Iran was so boring.
“我们满足了人们的欲望:花钱、买东西、享受购物,”帕拉狄翁的老板哈桑·拉夫塔里(Hassan Raftari)说。他号称自己是购物狂。拉夫塔里的家族以经营土耳其烤肉餐厅出名,而他本人领导的企业扩展到了建造奢华公寓楼的领域。他说,自己去海外旅行的时候,总是会想,为什么伊朗的购物体验如此无聊?
“So I decided to build my own shopping center,” he said, stressing that his mall is 100 percent private owned. He is now selling the mall’s 250 shops one by one, reportedly at prices of around $330 a square meter. “We have 1,000 parking spaces and my only mistake has been that I haven’t built more,” said Mr. Raftari.
Malls comparable to the Palladium are mushrooming across the city. According to an industry website, Iranmall.ir, 65 malls and entertainment center are currently being developed in the capital, and not just for the rich. Around Tehran’s southern bus terminal, one of the poorer areas of the city, three malls are under construction.
For urban Iranians, many of whom have seen their income dwindle during years of sanctions, the malls are a confirmation of their growing influence.
Since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, the state has dominated public spaces, using murals, the morals police and state media to emphasize what officials say are unchangeable revolutionary values. In private, though, Iranians have moved on, embracing satellite TV and the Internet, widening their world views and comparing their lives to those of people in Turkey, Malaysia, Europe and other popular holiday destinations.
From that perspective, the ornate shopping malls stand out as middle-class outposts in the state-controlled economy, indications of Iranian’s increasing desire to join the modern world, experts say.
“Nowadays, there are just so many urbanized, middle-class people in Tehran who aspire to Western lifestyles,” said Kazem Alireza, a history researcher working for the Parliament. “Their needs are met by developers who offer them consumerism, just like the Western patterns of urbanization and changing lifestyles. Shopping malls make people happy, at least for now they are satisfied with them.”
“现在,德黑兰有了好些向往西式生活方式的城市化中产阶级,”为国会工作的历史研究者卡齐姆·阿里礼萨(Kazem Alireza)说。“提供消费主义的开发商满足了他们的需求,就像西式城市化和不断变化的生活方式一样。购物中心让人们觉得开心,至少现在能让他们感到满意。”
The boom in shopping malls is just simple economics, insiders say. “Basically a group of 10 to 20 very wealthy individuals and state institutions are building all the malls,” said one chief executive of a design company that serves the shopping centers, who asked not to be named because of a fear of losing business. “They have moved from housing projects to malls. It’s just very profitable.”