Standard Chartered has agreed to sell its Hong Kong consumer finance unit as part of efforts to boost its share price and appease investors worried that the former darling of emerging markets has lost its way.
渣打银行(Standard Chartered)已同意出售其香港消费金融业务,这是该银行提高股价并安抚投资者情绪的努力的一部分,投资者担心,这个昔日的新兴市场宠儿已迷失方向。
A consortium led by a state-owned Chinese tourism operator and including Pepper, an Australian non-bank lender, and York Capital Management, the US hedge fund, will take over Hong Kong-based PrimeCredit, as well as Shenzhen PrimeCredit.
一个由一家中国国有旅行社香港中旅牵头的财团,将收购总部位于香港的安信信贷(PrimeCredit)以及深圳安信。该财团包括澳大利亚非银行贷款机构Pepper以及美国对冲基金York Capital Management。
The deal is subject to regulatory approval and a price was not disclosed, although it is believed to be $600m–$700m.
The sale of StanChart’s Hong Kong and Shenzhen businesses was first mooted in February, shortly after Peter Sands, the chief executive, outlined a new approach to business viability based on five filters including growth, returns, dividend capacity, network and strategic value.
渣打银行首次提出出售香港和深圳业务是在今年2月,不久之前,渣打银行行政总裁冼博德(Peter Sands)提出了一个基于五方面的业务新战略,包括增长、回报、红利空间、网络和战略价值。
All three PrimeCredit buyers are already involved in financial services. China Travel Financial Holdings is part of CTS, a travel-focused state-owned enterprise that has been diversifying into iron and steel, property, logistics and financial services.
安信的所有3个买家都设有金融服务。香港中旅金融控股(China Travel Financial Holdings)是关注旅游业的中国国有企业中旅(CTS)的子公司,中旅的业务已扩大到钢铁、房地产、物流和金融服务。
Pepper has been expanding its consumer finance business in the region and this week was reported to have submitted a bid for General Electric’s Australian consumer finance unit, which could fetch more than $1bn. York Capital, an investor in Pepper, is also involved in that bid.
Pepper一直在扩大其在该地区的消费者金融业务,据报道,该公司本周已递交收购通用电气(GE)澳大利亚消费者金融业务的出价,可能超过10亿美元。York Capital是Pepper的投资者之一,也参与了此次出价。
Once the StanChart deal is completed, the new owners plan to sell a HK$5.9bn ($761m) portfolio of residential mortgages to Hong Kong-based Bank of East Asia.
渣打银行交易完成后,新的所有者计划将59亿港元(合7.61亿美元)的住宅抵押贷款组合出售给总部位于香港的东亚银行(Bank of East Asia)。