日期:2014-12-16 18:28


Microsoft's Skype software will start translating voice calls between people today. As part of a preview program,Skype Translator makes it possible for English and Spanish speakers to communicate in their native language, without having to learn a new one. Itsounds like magic , but it's the result of years of work from Microsoft's research team and Skype to provide an early working copy of software that could help change the way the world communicates in the future.
微软旗下的实时通讯应用:Skype今日开始提供语音实时翻译功能。就像之前预览版展示的那样,两位使用英语与西班牙语的学生通过“Skype Translator”使用母语进行交流而不需要学习新的语言。这听起来像个神话,但却是微软研究团队与Skype多年研究的成果。这款应用将会改变未来人们交流的方式。


Skype Translator Preview works on Windows 8.1 or preview copies of Windows 10, and it works by translating voice input froman English or Spanish speaker into text and translated audio. An Englishspeaker will hear a translation from a Spanish speaker, and vice versa. Microsoft previously demonstrated the technology working between English and German, but Spanish will be the only language outside of English that will be initially supported during the preview.
测试版“Skype Translator” 可以在Win8.1或者Win10测试版下运行,可以在英语与西班牙语的语音输入过程中同步进行文本与音频的翻译。对话中,使用英文与西班牙文的交流者听到的都是已经完成翻译的母语。虽然微软之前展示的实时翻译技术是基于英语与德语之间,但是测试版的软件仅提供英语与西班牙语之间的实时翻译功能。
Microsoft is marketing Skype Translator as atool for schools, and the company tested it out with students in the US and Mexico. Skype is already popular in the classroom, with teachers participating in video conferences around the world to connect their schools to classroomsacross the globe. While tests and demonstrations have been in limited and controlled experiments, Microsoft's move today opens up its Skype Translator toa much wider audience to test it in the real world.
微软希望将“Skype Translator”作为一种教学工具出售给学校,所以他们将测试工作放在美国与墨西哥的学校中进行。Skype已经在教学中得到了广泛地应用,教室们通过该应用与全世界的学生进行视频互动。由于之前的小范围测试与技术展示有一定的局限性,所以微软在今天对外开放了“Skype Translator”公测,以便在真实应用场景中进行更多测试
Microsoft is also translating instant messaging conversations through Skype Translator, with more than 40 languages supported. If you're interested in testing Skype Translator then you'll need to request an invite at Microsoft's Skype site, and using registration code STVER4230 may help you get an invite a little quicker.
微软同时提供了支持40种语言Skype实时消息翻译功能。如果你希望加入“Skype Translator”公测,那你就需要一个邀请码以便在微软Skype网站进行申请。现在使用这个注册码:STVER4230 可以帮助你更快的得到邀请。
