LONDON — When a SWAT team appeared at Pavel Durov’s door in St. Petersburg, he started thinking about his future in Russia.
伦敦——当一支特警队出现在帕维尔·杜罗夫(Pavel Durov)位于圣彼得堡的住所前时,他开始考虑自己在俄罗斯的前途。
He was home alone, and he peered at them through a monitor.
“They had guns and they looked very serious,” said Mr. Durov, once Russia’s biggest celebrity entrepreneur. “They seemed to want to break the door.”
Not long ago, Mr. Durov, 30, was seen as Russia’s Mark Zuckerberg. He founded a social network, VKontakte, which is more popular in Russia than Facebook, and made a splash by publicly offering Edward Snowden a job.
不久之前,30岁的杜罗夫还被视作俄罗斯的马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)。他创建了社交网站VKontakte,在俄罗斯比Facebook更受欢迎。他还因为公开为爱德华·斯诺登(Edward Snowden)提供工作机会而引起轰动。
Then the Kremlin tightened its grip over the Internet and President Vladimir V. Putin’s allies took control of VKontakte. Mr. Durov eventually sold his remaining stake for millions and fled Russia in April, after resisting government pressure to release the data of Ukrainian protest leaders.
后来,克里姆林宫加大了对网络的管控力度,总统弗拉基米尔·V·普京(Vladimir V. Putin)的盟友掌控了VKontakte。杜罗夫最终以数以百万美元计的价格出售了自己剩余的股份,并于今年4月离开俄罗斯。在此之前,他顶住了来自政府的压力,拒绝透露乌克兰抗议活动领袖的相关信息。
Mr. Durov, known for his subversive wit and an all-black wardrobe that evokes Neo from the “Matrix” movies, is now a little-seen nomad, moving from country to country every few weeks with a small band of computer programmers. One day he is in Paris, another in Singapore.
“Me myself, I’m not a big fan of the idea of countries,” Mr. Durov said, wearing a custom-made cross between a hoodie and a sport coat.
When he arrived with little warning in London for his first interview outside cyberspace since leaving Russia, he was en route to San Francisco, where he appeared at a technology conference on Tuesday. He is surfacing to showcase his new messaging app, Telegram, for people craving privacy and security.
His odyssey reflects the changing nature of the Internet in Russia.
The Internet was once seen as a way to diversify Russia’s economy beyond oil. When VKontakte started in 2006, Mr. Durov says, he envisioned his country as a tax-free and libertarian utopia for technologists.
“The best thing about Russia at that time was the Internet sphere was completely not regulated,” he said. “In some ways, it was more liberal than the United States.”
Now the Internet is viewed with suspicion by Mr. Putin, who has called it a “C.I.A. project” and has taken steps to insulate Russia from the rest of the digital world. One leading Russian activist recently said the government was on a “campaign to shut down the Internet.”
“Since I’m obviously a believer in free markets,” Mr. Durov said, “it’s hard for me to understand the current direction of the country.”
Russia’s economy is also increasingly isolated, with its currency plummeting amid Western sanctions. The government is now predicting a recession for next year. Mr. Putin’s big challenge is falling oil prices, which Mr. Durov calls “the only chance” for economic and political reform.
“When the petrol prices are high, there is no incentive for those reforms,” he said. “It can stay like this forever; nobody really cares.”
As the tensions in Russia play out, Mr. Durov says he is focused on Telegram, which he started last year.
There will be no outside investors, he says, no ads and no marketing, and it is available free, though he is likely to eventually charge for additional services. He says he has about 50 million users, almost entirely outside Russia.
Mr. Durov learned programming from his brother, Nikolai, a mathematician and Mr. Durov’s right-hand man at VKontakte and Telegram. By 11, the younger Mr. Durov was coding his own versions of games like Tetris. The two developed a strategy game set in ancient China, which they called Lao Unit.
杜罗夫向哥哥尼古拉(Nikolai)学会了编程。尼古拉是一名数学家,也是杜罗夫在VKontakte和Telegram的得力助手。11岁的时候,杜罗夫就会编写自己版本的游戏,比如俄罗斯方块。兄弟二人研发了一款背景设定在古代中国的策略游戏,名为“老子军团”(Lao Unit)。
At St. Petersburg State University, Mr. Durov studied linguistics. In lieu of military service, he trained in propaganda, studying Sun Tzu, Genghis Khan and Napoleon, and he learned to make posters aimed at influencing foreign soldiers.
在圣彼得堡国立大学(St. Petersburg State University)就读期间,杜罗夫学习语言学。他没有服兵役,而是选择接受宣传方面的训练,研究孙子、成吉思汗和拿破仑。他还学习了如何制作旨在动摇外国部队军心的海报。
The posters said things like “You are surrounded, surrender, there’s no hope,” or they would suggest to foreign soldiers that “some other guy is entertaining himself with your wife,” he recalled.
His main interest was developing a social network. A friend who studied in America showed him Facebook, then in its infancy, and he learned from it.
“Some things like the layout of the early VKontakte was very influenced by Facebook,” Mr. Durov said. “Otherwise it could take ages for me to build, and I was not a professional designer.”
He also recruited fellow linguistics students to build a database catering to the post-Soviet university system, a step he said gave VKontakte “a tremendous competitive advantage.”
In 2007, he decided to allow users to upload audio and video files, without regard to copyright. Such policies have drawn criticism from the United States Trade Representative and lawsuits from major record labels.
“Some people told me when I was implementing it that I would go to jail the next day,” he said. “I was very careless.”
Demonstrations in 2011 over parliamentary elections resulted in a government showdown. During the SWAT standoff at his home that followed, he called his brother.
“I realized I don’t have a safe means of communications with him,” he said, adding, “That’s how Telegram started.”
Telegram is competing in a crowded field of messaging apps that promise varying degrees of security. Telegram has its fans and detractors, but it was rated respectably in a recent evaluation by the Electronic Frontier Foundation. The Telegram company, based in Berlin, has a deliberately complex structure of scattered global shell companies intended to keep it a step ahead of subpoenas from any one government.
Telegram所在的领域竞争很激烈,有大量即时通讯应用承诺为用户提供程度各异的安全保障。Telegram有粉丝也有反对者,但在电子前沿基金会(Electronic Frontier Foundation)最近的一项评估中,它的排名比较靠前。Telegram公司总部设在柏林,刻意设计了一个复杂的结构,由全球各地的空壳公司组成,力图做到比任何国家的政府发出的传票都领先一步。
“This is very unusual for Russian entrepreneurs, to succeed outside of Russia,” said Sergei Guriev, a prominent economist who fled Russia last year. “He may not be a usual person in many ways, but he is definitely a very talented entrepreneur.”
“俄罗斯创业者在本国以外的地方获得成功,是很不寻常的一件事,”去年逃离俄罗斯的著名经济学家谢尔盖·古里耶夫(Sergei Guriev)说。“从很多方面而言,他可能都不是一个平常人,但他绝对是一个才华横溢的创业者。”
When Mr. Durov sold his stake in VKontakte last December, there was speculation it was worth a few hundred million dollars. Mr. Durov would not give a specific figure, citing a nondisclosure agreement.
“In my days in Russia, I visited some very rich guys,” he said. “I visited big ships, private airplanes, houses — and I know for sure I don’t want this for myself.”
“I’m very happy right now without any property anywhere,” he added. “I consider myself a legal citizen of the world.”