With the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge – aka Prince William and Kate Middleton – in New York for a brief visit, the press has breathlessly reported on the British royals’ every move. We learned, for instance, about Duchess Kate’s visit to a Harlem child-development center, while Prince William convened with President Barack Obama.
The hectic schedule made us wonder: how is the Duchess, pregnant with the couple’s second child and in line to one day become Queen, managing her big job?
Below are some key people in Kate Middleton’s entourage. You probably don’t know their names, but they play a crucial, behind-the-scenes role shaping the Duchess’ image.
Rebecca Deacon
If there’s anyone with a busier schedule than Kate Middleton, it just might be Rebecca Deacon – the woman in charge of putting that schedule together. If you look closely at photos of Middleton, you might spot Deacon a few steps behind the Duchess. Deacon usually accompanies her to charity events, lunches and all sorts of public appearances.
Though her official title is “Assistant Private Secretary,” she reportedly has become a close friend and trusted adviser to the royals since 2007, when she helped Prince William organize the "Concert for Diana." Deacon, the youngest of three sisters, is the daughter of a female vicar and an army major. In 2010, she became Middleton's private secretary and was crucial in helping arrange the royal wedding. She is said to be accompanying the royal couple on their New York trip.
虽然迪肯的正式头衔是“助理私人秘书”,但是据说自2007年她协助威廉王子筹办“戴安娜王妃纪念音乐会(Concert for Diana)”之后,她已经成为了王妃夫妇的密友和深受信任的顾问。迪肯的父母分别是陆军少校和女牧师,家中姊妹三人,迪肯排行第三。2010年,迪肯成为了凯特王妃的私人秘书,并且在筹办威廉王子大婚时扮演了重要角色。据说她将陪同威廉王子夫妇造访纽约。
Amanda Cook Tucker
When Kate Middleton and Prince William went on their Diamond Jubilee South Pacific tour in 2012, her humidity-proof hair made headlines. Amanda Cook Tucker reportedly charged the royals 300 euros a day plus travel costs to make sure the Princess’ hair didn’t frizz on the Southeast Asian trip. The 52-year-old hairdresser is now Middleton's personal hair stylist, but she’s no stranger to the royal family. In fact, Cook Tucker has cut the hair of Prince William and his brother Harry since they were kids. Cook Tucker’s ex-husband owned a salon and worked closely with the Queen’s hairdresser, Charles Martyn. Cook Tucker has accompanied Middleton on numerous tours around the world, and the New York trip is no exception.
2012年,当凯特王妃和威廉王子夫妇参加南太平洋女王钻石庆典(Diamond Jubilee)海外之行时,王妃一丝不乱的发型一度成为媒体焦点。据报道,为了打理王妃在东南亚访问期间的发型,王室每天向阿曼达o库克o塔克支付300欧元,另加差旅费用。这位现年52岁的美发师现在是凯特的私人发型师,之前也曾多次为英皇室家庭成员效力。事实上,威廉王子和弟弟哈里王子的头发从孩提时代就由库克o塔克负责。她的前夫拥有一个没法沙龙,与女王的发型师查尔斯o马丁合作密切。库克o塔克曾多次随同米德尔顿出访海外,这次纽约之行也不例外。(财富中文网)