Sony Pictures Entertainment has approached the Federal Bureau of Investigation to investigate the illegal release on piracy web sites of several of its films, including its upcoming Christmas movie, Annie.
索尼影视娱乐公司(Sony Pictures Entertainment)已求助美国联邦调查局(FBI),调查在盗版网站上非法发布该公司制作的几部影片的事件。这些影片中包括了即将上映的圣诞节电影《安妮》(Annie)。
The appearance of the pirated movies coincided with a hack of Sony’s movie studio last week, but it is unclear whether the two are related. The FBI is examining the illegal release of Annie, Fury, a second world war drama starring Brad Pitt, and Mr Turner, featuring Timothy Spall, said a person familiar with the investigation.
就在几部盗版影片出现的同时,索尼的电影工作室曾在上周遭遇黑客攻击。不过,目前还不清楚这两件事之间有无关联。一名知情人士表示,FBI目前正在验看《安妮》、《狂怒》(Fury)和《特纳先生》(Mr Turner)的非法拷贝。《狂怒》是一部由布拉德•皮特(Brad Pitt)主演的二战电影,而《特纳先生》则是一部由蒂莫西•斯波(Timothy Spall)主演的电影。
Hackers from a group called Guardians of Peace last week paralysed Sony Pictures’ internal computer network, accessing confidential emails and other data and threatening to release it. The hackers also posted pictures online of Michael Lynton and Amy Pascal, Sony’s top entertainment executives, and left threatening messages. Sony Pictures declined to comment on the hack.
上周,来自一个名为“和平卫士(Guardians of Peace)”的团体的黑客曾令索尼影视的内部计算机网络陷入瘫痪,访问了涉密的电子邮件及其他数据,并威胁要公布这些数据。黑客还在网上贴出了索尼最高娱乐主管迈克尔•林顿(Michael Lynton)和艾米•帕斯卡(Amy Pascal)的照片,并留下了威胁信息。索尼影视对这一黑客事件拒绝置评。
It is not uncommon for new films to appear on piracy web sites. Hollywood has compressed its release “windows”, bringing forward home entertainment release dates to minimise the financial impact of illegally streamed or downloaded material.
But it is rare for the pirates to get films before their theatrical release, as is the case with Annie, a remake of the 1982 film.
This summer Lions Gate Entertainment’s Expendables 3 was leaked online before its theatrical release, with the pirated copy downloaded up to 2m times. The film, the third instalment in the Sylvester Stallone franchise, disappointed at the box office upon its release, with the pirated copy widely blamed for the poor performance.
今年夏天,狮门娱乐(Lions Gate Entertainment)出品的《敢死队3》(Expendables 3)也曾在院线上映前被人泄露到网上,盗版拷贝的下载总计达到了2百万次。作为西尔维斯特•史泰龙(Sylvester Stallone)加盟的系列影片中的第三部,该电影上映后的票房成绩令人失望,人们普遍认为原因应归咎于盗版拷贝。
Sony has suffered at the hands of hackers before: three years ago its PlayStation network was compromised in an attack that disrupted the accounts of more than 100m users for close to a month.
Some reports have linked the recent Sony hack to the upcoming release of The Interview, a comedy set for release on Christmas day. It stars Seth Rogen and James Franco as a television host who lands an interview with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un and is then enlisted by the CIA to kill him.
部分报道认为,索尼最近受到的攻击可能与即将上映的《采访》(The Interview)有关。《采访》是一部将在圣诞节上映的喜剧片。该片由赛斯•罗根(Seth Rogen)和詹姆斯•弗兰克(James Franco)主演。弗兰克在片中饰演一位成功获得采访金正恩(Kim Jong Un)机会的电视主持人,却被美国中央情报局(CIA)招募,要刺杀这位朝鲜领导人。
North Korea complained about the film this summer in a letter to the UN, in which it accused the US of sponsoring terrorism.
The letter to Ban Ki-moon from Ja Song Nam, North Korea’s UN ambassador, said the “production and distribution of such a film on the assassination of an incumbent head of a sovereign state . . . should be regarded as the most undisguised sponsoring of terrorism as well as an act of war”.
在这封朝鲜常驻联合国代表慈成男(Ja Song Nam)写给潘基文(Ban Ki-moon)的信中,慈成男表示“制作和发布这种关于刺杀一主权国家现任领导人的影片……应该被视为以最露骨的方式支持恐怖主义,还应该被视为一种战争行径”。