DAVIS, Calif. — IT’S commonplace to call our cats “pets.” But anyone sharing a cat’s household can tell you that, much as we might like to choose when they eat in the morning, or when they come inside for the night, cats are only partly domesticated.
The likely ancestors of the domestic dog date from more than 30,000 years ago. But domestic cats’ forebears join us in the skeletal record only about 9,500 years ago. This difference fits our intuition about their comparative degrees of domestication: Dogs want to be “man’s best friend”; cats, not so much.
Fossils are handy snapshots of the past, but a genomic sequence is a time machine, enabling scientists to run evolutionary history backward. The initial sequence of the domestic cat was completed in 2007, but a recent study to which I contributed compared the genomes of the domestic cat and the wildcat (Felis silvestris) and sheds new light on the last 10,000 years of feline adaptations.
如果说化石是现成的历史缩影,那基因组序列就是一台时光机,让科学家得以追溯进化的历程。对家猫基因的初步测序是在2007年完成的。但最近,我参与的一项研究比较了家猫和野猫(Felis silvestris)的基因组,可以让人们更好地了解猫在过去1万年间适应环境的过程。
Domestic cats are not just wildcats that tolerate humans in exchange for regular meals. They have smaller skulls in relation to their bodies compared with wildcats, and are known to congregate in colonies. But in comparison with dogs, cats have a narrower range of variation in size and form.
Wesley C. Warren, an author of the study, notes that domestic cats have excellent hunting skills, like their wild ancestors. This, too, supports the notion that cats are only semi-domesticated.
研究报告的执笔者之一韦斯利·C·沃伦(Wesley C. Warren)指出,家猫和它们生活在野外的祖先一样,有出色的狩猎技能。这就为家猫只是半驯化动物的观点提供了支撑。
Comparing the genomes of the wildcat and the domestic cat added much to what we had known. Michael J. Montague, the lead author, told me he’d anticipated that the two genomes would be very similar, but our study found a specific set of differences in genes involved in neuron development. This brain adaptation may explain why domestic cats are docile.
比较野猫和家猫的基因组,让我们的既有认知有了极大的拓展。研究报告的第一作者迈克尔·J·蒙塔古(Michael J. Montague)告诉我,他曾经预计两者的基因组会非常相似,但我们在研究中发现了一组涉及神经元发育的特定基因。这种大脑的适应,或许可以解释为什么家猫比较温顺。
Scientists have long observed that domesticated species exhibit a suite of strikingly similar traits, from floppy ears to smaller brains, than those of their wild ancestors. Domestication may select for a few similar traits encoded by genetic changes (like smaller brains), but these may produce what we assume are secondary effects (like floppy ears).
Once they were living among us, cats didn’t need to think so much to stay alive; nor did they need such large jaws after we started feeding them our processed scraps. Hence smaller skulls. The same dynamic holds for dogs: Wolves beat dogs in general intelligence tests.
By examining patterns in our animals’ genomes, we’ve confirmed that the same sets of genes seem to be targeted again and again in evolution. As far back as Charles Darwin, domestic animals in particular have yielded insights about evolution because we know what sorts of selection pressures they were subject to. After all, it was us they were primarily adapting to.
我们通过观察家养动物的基因组图谱确定,在进化过程中,某些特定的基因一再成为选择的目标。早在查尔斯·达尔文(Charles Darwin)的时代,对于家养动物的研究,就帮助拓展了人类对进化过程的认识,因为我们很清楚它们面临着怎样的选择压力。毕竟,它们主要是在适应人类。
Which brings us to the genome of one critical tame animal: ourselves, humans. The Nobel Prize-winning zoologist Konrad Z. Lorenz once suggested that humans were subject to the same dynamics of domestication. Our brain and body sizes peaked during the end of the last ice age, and declined with the spread of agriculture.
作为一种重要的驯化动物,人类自身的基因组也是进化过程的产物。获得过诺贝尔奖的动物学家康拉德·Z·洛伦茨(Konrad Z. Lorenz)曾表示,人类也受制于同样的驯化机制。我们大脑和躯干的尺寸在最后一个冰川时代结束时达到最高点,继而随着农耕的推广逐渐变小。
Instead of poring over the meager fossil record, we can survey patterns of variation across tens of thousands of living individuals. Genomics now provides evidence that humans have been subject to a great deal of natural selection over the past 10,000 years. A beautiful example is the ancestors of Tibetans’ absorption of small portions of the genome of ancient human relatives adapted for living at high altitude.
Our cultural flexibility and creativity since the end of the ice age have not freed humans from evolutionary forces, but have opened up novel and startling paths. Thinking of domestication as an evolutionary process that occurs through “artificial” selection creates a false dichotomy of nurture and nature that plays into a conceit of human exceptionalism. In fact, the idea that we are apart from nature, that it is ours to tame and exploit, is an outmoded approach.
A more useful interpretation is that over the past 10,000 years, humans fashioned their own ecosystem. We were part of a natural process that altered the landscape. In that light, we can think of the domestic cat as an ecological response to the emergence of parasites (rodents attracted by early Neolithic granaries). The same forces that reshaped the genomes of our domesticates also reshaped ours.
No longer roving in small bands subsisting on game and unprocessed plants, we settled down in villages, harvesting the same crops year after year. For millenniums, peasants fed on what we might today term porridge, of various types. Our teeth became smaller — indeed, both dogs and humans show evidence of adaptation to starchy diets.
Just as the fur of our mammalian domesticates, freed from the constraint of needing to fade into the landscape, became a riot of diverse colors, human pigmentation started to change and many populations became light-skinned. With a cheek-by-jowl existence, humans and their animals began sharing diseases, remolding the immunity of whole populations, but leaving those who did not experience this co-evolution untouched and vulnerable. Possibly, some pathogens incubated in cats, like Toxoplasma gondii, may even alter human behavior.
Many of us conceive of our relationship to our pets as analogous to that between a parent and child. But the natural history tells a more pragmatic tale. Cats emerged in the context of profound ecological changes to the post-ice-age landscape wrought by humans.
We were the authors of those changes, but in the process of telling that story, we became protagonists within it. One of the essential steps in knowing ourselves, and seeing where we are going, is to look around and take note of how we’ve reshaped those nearest to us, and they us.