Stark photos of California's devastating drought
A shepherd rests after loading sheep fortransport. Firebaugh, California.
A dry wheat field. Ducor, California.
Water well gone dry. Stratford, California.
A dead almond orchard is removed near Los Banos, California.
Children at home in Alpaugh, California.
Harvesting asparagus. Firebaugh, California.
Fallowed tomato fields near Corcoran, California.
Tomato harvest. Firebaugh, California.
A flock of sheep in a denuded wheat field. Mendota, California.
Loading sheep for transport to new pasture.Bakersfield, California.
Main street in Taft, California.
California is in the midst of its worst drought in more than a century. Morethan half the state is in "exceptional drought," the driest conditionspossible, according to the United States Drought Monitor. And after threestraight years of little rainfall and predictions of a drier than usual winter,there's no sign of relief.
The pain of the drought has been feltsharpest in California's Central Valley, long described as the nation's breadbasket because itprovides more than 50 percent of the country's food supply. Water reservoirsare empty, and wells have run dry. Residents in some tiny towns have no runningwater at all. Many have likened it to a modern day Dust Bowl, andphotographer Matt Black has been documenting it all, producing starkimages that are eerily reminiscent of the work produced by actual Dust Bowlphotographers, including Dorothea Lange and ArthurRothstein.
加利福尼亚中央山谷受苦尤甚,由于为国家供应过半的食物,这里自古就被称作国家的面包篮。水库的水用完了,井水也已干涸,一些小镇的居民没有任何的流水可用。很多人将这里比作今日的风沙侵蚀区。摄影师Matt Black将这些都记录了下来,这些荒凉的照片令人可怕地想起摄影师们创作的真实反映风沙侵蚀区的作品,这些摄影师们包括Dorothea Lange和Arthur Rothstein。
But it's more than just a photographyproject. It's personal. Black, who grew up in Visalia,Calif., the agricultural heart of the Central Valley, has been documenting the land of hischildhood slowly waste away, starved of the water that farmers desperately needto keep their crops and livelihoods alive. He's been focused not just on theland but on the people—the farmers and the workers, both—who are struggling to survive.