Responding to cheating allegations, the company that administers the SAT tests around the world is withholding scores, at least temporarily, for thousands of Chinese and South Korean students just days before the early application deadlines for most American colleges and universities.
在距离美国大部分高校的提前申请截止日期还剩几天之际,管理全世界的学术能力评估测试(Scholastic Assessment Test,简称SAT)的公司,决定暂缓公布数千名中国和韩国学生的成绩。
The delay applies to people who took the exam on Oct. 11. Students from other countries who took it on the same date received their scores on Tuesday.
In a prepared statement, the Educational Testing Service said its decision was “based on specific, reliable information,” and referred to “organizations that seek to illegally obtain test materials for their own profit, to the ultimate detriment of all students.” The College Board, the company that creates the SAT, contracts with the testing service to provide testing security and administer its tests overseas.
美国教育考试服务中心(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS)在一份事先准备好的声明中表示,决定是“基于确切、可靠的信息”做出的,还提到“一些组织试图为了自己的利益,非法获取考试内容,最终损害了所有学生的利益”。创设SAT的公司美国大学理事会(College Board)与ETS签订合同,由后者提供考试监督并管理海外的考试。
Reports have surfaced in the past about people in East Asia acquiring and sharing test questions in advance, particularly at test preparation schools. Those reports led to the test being canceled in South Korea in May of last year, and 900 scores from that country being voided in 2007.
Tom Ewing, a spokesman for the Educational Testing Service, said scores were being withheld based on the nations where students lived, not where they took the exam. The SAT is not administered in China, except at a few private schools, and each year thousands of Chinese students travel to other parts of Asia to take the exam.
ETS发言人汤姆·尤因(Tom Ewing)说,暂缓公布成绩依据的是考生的居住国,而不是考试地点。除了几所私立学校之外,中国的其他地方都不举办SAT考试。每年有数千名中国学生到亚洲的其他地方参加这一考试。
Mr. Ewing said the company would investigate and expected to release valid scores by mid-November, in time to be considered by colleges for early admissions. Many colleges have application deadlines for early admission in November, and give students their decisions by mid-December.
But in discussion boards on websites like College Confidential, students expressed fear that the delay could affect their chances. Some said that knowing their scores would have influenced their decisions about where to apply. Others complained that they were being treated unfairly.
但在College Confidential等网站的论坛上,学生们都表示,担心延迟公布成绩可能会影响他们申请成功的机会。一些人表示,如果知道分数,或许就会改变申请哪所学校的决定。还有一些人则抱怨,自己受到了不公平的对待。