A couple in Georgia was arrested and charged with cruelty to children in the first degree after allegedly giving their two-year-old son a mixed drink made of Coke and 40 proof Paul Masson Brandy.
The New York Daily News reports Jasmin Briana Moore and William Chester Hickson rushed their son to a nearby hospital after he stopped breathing and became unresponsive. According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the child's blood alcohol concentration was 0.29—more than three times Georgia's limit for adult drivers.
据纽约每日新闻报道,在发现他们的儿子停止呼并无反应之后,Jasmin Briana Moore和Willian Chester Hickson立马把孩子送往了医院。据《亚特兰大宪法报》,孩子血液酒精浓度为0.29。该指标超过乔治亚州驾驶者上限三倍多。
Hickson was arrested on Monday and Moore was arrested a day later. They are both being held on a $75,000 bond.