日期:2014-10-24 18:15
1.The boy who was killed by a falling sacrificial goat
2.The philosopher who died after a flying eagle dropped a turtle on his head
一只飞着的老鹰将嘴里叼着的乌龟松开,乌龟砸在哲学家头上,哲学家一命呜呼 。
3.The woman who was crushed to death by huge Taco Bell sign
被巨大的塔可钟标致压死的女士 。
4.The woman who was killed after being hit by a falling gargoyle from a historic church
该女士被教堂落下的滴水兽打中,不幸身亡 。
5.The man who was killed by an air conditioning that fell from the 7th floor
该男子被7楼掉下来的空调砸死 。
6.The football fan killed by a flying lawnmower
该球迷被飞着的割草机杀死 。
7.The Colombian man who died after a coconut fell on his head
这位哥伦比亚男子被椰子打中头部,不幸去世 。
8.The Brazilian soccer fan who was killed by flying toilet
该巴西球迷被飞来的马桶砸死 。
9.The two Canadians who were fatally hit by a flying bear