Images of David Beckham clutching a tumbler of Haig Club, a new scotch, will be seen in China next month when Diageo, the world’s largest distiller, launches a new spirit in the fightback against China’s crackdown on luxury.
大卫•贝克汉姆(David Beckham)手执一杯翰格•蓝爵(Haig Club)新品苏格兰威士忌的形象下个月将在中国亮相。面对中国对奢侈品的打压,世界最大酿酒公司帝亚吉欧(Diageo)届时将推出这款新酒作为回击。
The former footballer is the frontman for the single grain scotch, released in Edinburgh this month, and Diageo hopes the new whisky will help reverse its fortunes in China.
For a start, the new scotch tastes less sour than other whiskys, which Diageo hopes will appeal to what it describes as the sweeter Asian palate.
Diageo is the world’s largest producer of Scotch, which, with cognac, is the main international spirit consumed in the country. The London-based group, which also makes Smirnoff vodka and Guinness, was a late entrant into China where it is playing catch-up to France’s Pernod Ricard. The latter makes 12 per cent of sales and 15 per cent of profit in China – its biggest market after the US.
帝亚吉欧是世界最大的苏格兰威士忌生产商,苏格兰威士忌和干邑白兰地(cognac)是中国消费的两款主要国际烈酒。这家总部位于伦敦的集团也生产皇冠(Smirnoff)伏特加和健力士(Guinness)啤酒。该公司进入中国市场较晚,目前正在追赶法国的保乐力加(Pernod Ricard)。保乐力加来自中国市场的销售额和利润占比分别达到12%和15%,中国是该公司紧随美国之后的第二大市场。
The country only accounts for 1.5 per cent – 0.7 per cent on the mainland – of Diageo’s total sales last year. But the country’s growing middle class and rising affluence mean that it will become an increasingly important market.
Its late entry has not screened Diageo from the blow to sales of ultra-premium drinks by the Chinese government’s anti-extravagance campaign. Sales of its baijiu premium spirit, Shui Jing Fang, fell 78 per cent in the year to June 30.
Like Pernod Ricard, Diageo’s strategy is lower-price versions aimed at private dinners rather than lavish state banquets. At the end of last year it launched Shui Jing Fang Red Fortune, ahead of the Chinese new year at $63.50 for 500ml, a very different proposition from its offering for gift-giving in New Year 2012 – before the new government came to power – when Forest Green Shui Jing Fang was released in a Swarovski crystal bottle, with a price tag of $625.