Jean Tirole, a French academic whose work on how to tame the power of oligopolies has helped change the way companies are regulated, has won a rare solo Nobel Prize for economics.
法国学者让•梯若尔(Jean Tirole)难得地独自一人赢得诺贝尔经济学奖(Nobel Prize for economics)。他对如何驯服寡头垄断的研究,帮助改变了企业监管的方式。
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said Mr Tirole was “one of the most influential economists of our time”. His biggest contribution was to clarify “how to understand and regulate industries with a few powerful firms”.
瑞典皇家科学院(Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences)表示,梯若尔是“我们这个时代最有影响力的经济学家之一”。他最大的贡献是明晰了“如何理解和监管只有几家强势企业的行业”。
Mr Tirole, one of the founders of the prestigious Toulouse School of Economics, has long been regarded as a likely winner of the prize. The decision to award it to him shows the depth of his influence in creating a new way to look at competition.
梯若尔是知名的图卢兹经济学院(Toulouse School of Economics)的创始人之一,他一直被视为诺贝尔经济学奖的可能得主。将今年的经济学奖授予他的决定,展现了他在创造一种新的方式来看待竞争方面的深远影响力。
For the academy, which confers the Riksbank prize in memory of Alfred Nobel, it marks a return to the less contentious realm of pure economic theory after last year’s award went to Robert Shiller, Eugene Fama and Lars Peter Hansen for their sometimes conflicting work on asset pricing and efficient markets.
瑞典央行(Riksbank)为纪念阿尔弗雷德•诺贝尔(Alfred Nobel)而设立诺贝尔经济学奖。对于评选该奖得主的瑞典皇家科学院来说,今年的选择标志着它回归争议较少的纯经济理论领域。去年,该奖被颁发给罗伯特•席勒(Robert Shiller)、尤金•法玛(Eugene Fama)和拉尔斯•皮特•汉森(Lars Peter Hansen),以表彰他们在资产定价和有效市场方面有时自相矛盾的研究成果。
“There’s not any one thing, there’s so much,” said Paul Klemperer, a professor at Oxford university. “He changed the way people think about industrial organisation.
“不是一个方面,而是有很多方面,”牛津大学(Oxford university)教授保罗•克伦佩勒(Paul Klemperer)表示。“他改变了人们对于工业组织的思维方式。
“He has been a leader in reshaping our understanding of competition policy away from simple models of perfect markets to a recognition that different contexts require different solutions.”
In a sign of his influence on policy makers, Pierre Moscovici, incoming European Commissioner for economic and financial affairs and a former French finance minister, said Mr Tirole’s “work illuminates the paths we should follow to end the crisis”.
突显他对政策制定者影响力的是,法国前财长、即将出任欧盟委员会经济和金融事务专员的皮埃尔•莫斯科维奇(Pierre Moscovici)表示,梯若尔的“研究成果指明了我们终结危机的途径”。
Professor Tirole, who was born in 1953, is famous for his analysis of companies with market power. He showed that simple policy rules, such as capping prices for monopolies, sometimes did more harm than good.
Instead, through his articles and books, he generated a general framework for designing better policies and applied it to a number of industries, from telecommunications to banking. His work has shaped the regulation of big computer companies such as Microsoft and Google.
The academy said his work was a “splendid example of how economic theory can be of great practical significance”.