Zhang Xin and ZahaHadid can’t help but poke fun at their imitators.
Zhang, the CEO of SOHO China—one of the country’s most high-profile real estate firms—and Hadid, a renowned architect whose work peppers countless cities’ skylines, came together to celebrate the opening of their newest collaboration: Wangjing SOHO, a three-tower complex in Beijing designed to look like fluid mountains, on Saturday night.
张欣是中国最受瞩目的房地产公司之一SOHO中国(SOHO China)的首席执行官,哈迪德则是一位享有盛名的建筑设计师,其作品妆点了无数城市的天际线。9月末的一个晚上,这两位杰出女性聚在一起庆祝她们最新的合作成果——望京SOHO(Wangjing SOHO)隆重落成。这组位于北京的建筑由三座高楼构成,看上去就像是一组起伏的山峦。
In front of the event’s 150-plus VIP dinner guests, Zhang asked Hadid about a building in Chongqing—a city 1,100 miles from Beijing in southwest China—that looks strikingly similar to Hadid’s newest Beijing building: Is the knock-off flattery or farce?
“It’s a bad copy,” Hadid retorted. “I mean, if you’re 20 years old and trying to learn something, it is sort of bearable.”
Zhang joked, “I’m still thinking whether we should sue them or not.”
“Well, you should. I can’t,” Hadid added.
Though the women’s banter was playful, its targets should beware. Zhang, who’sNo. 17 on the 2014 Fortune Most Powerful Women of Asia-Pacific list, and Hadid, who spoked at the 2013 Fortune Most Powerful Women International Summit in London, have become powerful partners in shaping corporate building design in some of China’s biggest cities. Wangjing, along with Sky SOHO – an office and retail development in Shanghai that’s celebrating its grand opening in November – are the duo’s latest collaborations.
尽管两位女性的对话非常欢乐,但她们的调侃对象可得当心了。张欣名列2014年《财富》亚太区最具影响力女性榜单的第17名,而哈迪德则在2013年伦敦《财富》最具影响力女性国际峰会(2013 Fortune Most Powerful Women International Summit)上发表过演讲。二人强强联手,为中国的大都市重塑办公楼设计风格。除了望京SOHO之外,位于上海的商用和办公综合体凌空SOHO(Sky SOHO)将于今年11月举行盛大的开幕典礼,它们体现了这对好搭档的最新合作成果。
Zhang and Hadid first met about a decade ago. Zhang invited Hadid, who is Baghdad-born and London-bred, to China to examine the possibility of working together. They met again in 2004; Hadid became the first female to win the Pritzker Prize – what’s akin to a Nobel Prize for architecture – and Zhang was at the award ceremony in St. Petersburg. She was hooked on Hadid’s style and felt SOHO China, which Zhang started with her husband Pan Shiyi in 1995, would provide a larger canvas for Hadid’s talents. “Everything is bigger in China,” she said. “Bringing [Hadid] here is something that is very important for my work.”
张欣和哈迪德10年前的初次相识,缘起于张欣邀请在巴格达出生、伦敦长大的哈迪德前往中国探讨合作的可能性。2004年,她们再次相遇,那时哈迪德已经成为第一位赢得普立兹克建筑奖(Pritzker Prize,类似于建筑界的诺贝尔奖)的女性,而张欣也在圣彼得堡的颁奖现场。哈迪德的设计风格让张欣为之倾倒。张欣相信,她与丈夫潘石屹于1995年建立的SOHO中国,能够为哈迪德尽情施展才华提供更大的空间。张欣说:“在中国,什么都要大一点。把哈迪德带到中国来,对我的工作十分重要。”
Galaxy SOHO, a large office and retail development in Beijing, was their first project together. When it opened in 2012, its futuristic shape changed an otherwise rectangular skyline.
集商业和办公于一体的建筑群北京银河SOHO(Galaxy SOHO)是两位杰出女性的第一个合作项目。2012年落成时,该建筑群以未来主义风格的外观,改变了充斥着方形建筑的天际线。
Despite their partnership’s success, Hadid wasn’t a shoe-in for SOHO’s next projects in Beijing and Shanghai. Zhang told Fortune that Hadid “always wins the work through competition. It’s not like I went to her,” she said. “We invite a few architects and Zaha always comes up with the best design.” (Zhang later added that Hadid has won so many times that she fears other architects will shy away from creating renderings for other projects.)
“It’s been a great partnership,” Hadid said. “It’s not easy in this industry to find good partners.”
Both women have thrived in male-dominated industries, but not without struggles. Hadid said she didn’t immediately find success, citing the architectural industry’s hesitance to embrace her unique building designs. Zhang got her start working in Hong Kong factories before purchasing a one-way ticket to London to study and become a banker.
The women also share a similar stance on working hard. Zhang, who juggles being a mother and a CEO, told Fortune that women are versatile and can juggle both roles by having discipline. Onstage, Hadid echoed Zhang’s sentiments: “I think everybody should work extremely hard all the time… I think it’s a way to better yourself and to better society.”
Zhang and Hadid are currently working on an office building that will debut in Beijing’s Lize Bridge area around 2017. It will include what’s likely to be the world’s tallest atrium.
Near the end of the women’s conversation, as guests nibbled on dessert, Zhang asked Hadid if she will ever retire. “I don’t think so,” Hadid responded. “I’m sure I’ll someday slow down. I don’t know what I’d do in retirement. I’m not into knitting or cooking.”