Artur Mas, the Catalan president, will tomorrow sign a decree calling an independence referendum in the Spanish region, in a move that sets the government in Barcelona on a collision course with Madrid.
加泰罗尼亚自治区主席阿图尔•马斯(Artur Mas)将于明日签署一项法令,要求在西班牙的这个地区举行独立公投,此举可能令位于巴塞罗那的自治区政府与马德里走向冲突。
The decree is to be issued on the basis of a referendum law that was passed by an overwhelming majority in the Catalan parliament last Friday. It is expected to trigger a legal challenge from Spain’s central government, which argues that a plebiscite on secession is not allowed under the Spanish constitution.
If it goes ahead, the Catalan plebiscite would take place on November 9, less than two months after a landmark in Scotland that saw 55 per cent of voters reject independence.
After the Scottish vote, in an unmistakable allusion to Catalonia, Spanish prime minister Mariano Rajoy congratulated the Scots on voting to stay in the UK and observed that the referendum campaign had been conducted “with scrupulous respect for the law of the country”.
苏格兰公投结束后,西班牙首相马里亚诺•拉霍伊(Mariano Rajoy)发表了明显对加泰罗尼亚意有所指的言论,对苏格兰人选择留在英国表示祝贺,并评述道,这场公投之前的宣传活动“严格遵守了国家法律”。
The move by Mr Mas marks an escalation in a long-simmering conflict between Madrid and one of Spain’s most prosperous regions. Surveys show that a large majority of Catalans are in favour of holding a referendum on the region’s political future, though surveys differ on how many want a break with Spain.
The referendum scheduled for November 9 would be non-binding, unlike the plebiscite in Scotland. But Catalan leaders regard the planned vote as a crucial springboard towards independence all the same – arguing that it would help force Madrid into negotiations about a peaceful separation.