In the second in a video series about designers in their offices and studios, Diane von Furstenberg, a standard-bearer of New York Fashion Week and the longtime president of the Council of Fashion Designers of America, talks about creating her work/life space, what each object represents and the importance of color. (The conversation has been edited and condensed).
在一部讲述设计师的办公室和工作室生活的视频系列里,纽约时装周的领袖、美国时装设计师协会常任主席黛安·冯芙丝汀宝(Diane von Furstenberg)在第二集中谈起如何创造自己的工作/生活空间、每件物品代表的意义以及色彩的重要性(下面的对话经过编辑和浓缩)。
Q. You built your office building from the ground up. Why?
A. I think the architecture of things is very much linked to the architect of the business. Where people sit and how you plan all charts — all of that is important.
Have you always worked where you live?
When I first started my company again in 1998, ’97, I moved to West 12th Street, and I bought a small carriage house, and everybody thought I was crazy. “What are you doing in that neighborhood? It’s full of condoms, it smells bad” — this and that. But it was beautiful, and I did my studio there, my office, and we started there. Then I even opened a little shop there. But then the neighborhood started to change, and I needed more space, and I wanted a corner. I just love corners. So I bought these three buildings, in the meatpacking district.
Could you explain the renovation?
The problem is in the meantime we had passed a law to make this neighborhood a historic district, so when I bought these three little buildings I couldn’t touch them. I had to go to landmark and make a plan, and so actually it cost me a lot more because I had to keep this brick facade and gut completely the inside. Now the fourth floor is marketing, third floor is sales, second floor is showroom, first floor is the shop. And I have my little treehouse upstairs. It’s nothing but a bedroom really. This is my living room and my office. My exercise is going up the stairs.
What’s on your desk?
Colored pencils. Good-luck things, my evil eyes to protect me, things I need, photographs, all my papers, my mail, things I have to read ... my life.
Is it important for you to be surrounded by color?
When people ask me that, I say just imagine the world in black and white, you know. Imagine a garden in black and white, how sad. I never thought pink was my thing — uh, one day it just happened. It’s a sort of Mexican pink. This room was not decorated, it’s just things that I have, you know, things that I’ve had along the way.
For example?
The mandala over there was given to me last year. Christian Louboutin and I met the king of Bhutan, and he gave me that. The painting behind me is a picture Peter Lindbergh did of me, reinterpreted by a Chinese artist. It’s made out of ashes — ashes collected in a Buddhist temple. And there is an Avedon photograph of my daughter, pictures of my granddaughters and grandsons, my mother, my friend Ingrid Betancourt [the Colombian politician], who was kidnapped and was a prisoner for seven years. When she was released, the first dress she bought was a DVF dress. That’s the Obamas’s first Christmas card, where Mrs. Obama was wearing a wrap dress. The chairs we are sitting on were a present from my husband.
那边的曼荼罗是去年别人送给我的。我和克里斯提·鲁布托(Christian Louboutin)拜见了不丹国王,那是他送给我的。我身后的画是一位中国艺术家根据彼得·林德伯格(Peter Lindbergh)给我拍的照片重新创作的。它用灰烬制成的,就是佛教寺庙里收集的香灰。还有阿维顿(Avedon)给我女儿拍的照片,我外孙女和外孙的照片,我妈妈的照片,我的朋友英格丽德·贝当古(Ingrid Betancourt,哥伦比亚政治家)的照片。英格丽德遭到绑架,被囚禁七年。获释后她买的第一条裙子就是DVF的连衣裙。那是奥巴马寄给我的第一张圣诞贺卡,上面是奥巴马夫人穿着一条裹裙。我们坐的椅子是我丈夫送给我的礼物。
What is your favorite thing in the room?
I feel at my best behind the desk. I went to visit Tolstoy’s house. And, in Russian houses, in every room you have a bed, a desk and a chair. And that’s because in Russian history everybody writes their diary, so everybody needs a desk. I love desks. I have a passion for big tables and desks.
Do you have meetings there?
When I have meetings with people from the outside, we do it at the round table, because I don’t want them to feel like I am at the head of the table. At the couch I do every kind of interviews. Press interviews, when I interview somebody for a job. It’s more intimate.
Do you work on the computer?
I do work on the computer, and a lot on my iPad. I have programs where you can doodle. Many of my prints come from doodle or photographs.
Do your collections start with prints?
The first thing is the mood, and that usually comes from me. Then we make mood boards and narrow down and change our mind. The next step is the palette. Color palette is so important. From there you go into the prints, and the silhouette. The silhouettes come very plain, and then you dress them with the prints.
So is this room a record of your life?
Yes, of course. But everything is a record of my life, including my face.