Objects made from paper, or inspired by it, are being elevated to artistic heights. Whether crinkled or cut out, print's age-old medium is a material of modern design.
Unbound and uninked, plain paper abandons its age-old purpose. Mattias Lind, an architect, recently used the material to build the livable, life-size "Chameleon Cabin" (top center left). Blank sheets have also become calls to arms, with the self-described "paper engineer" Benja Harney's "Axis Mundi" (bottom right) made in support of Australia's Climate Council, and Catherine Winkler Rayroud's intricately scissored paper bra (far right center) titled "Women's Liberation? What Liberation??" Once upon a time, Hans Christian Andersen told a tangible fairy tale in cutouts (bottom center left) and Shimon Zimel portrayed Jewish ceremonial art (top right) through carving parchment in the 19th century. More recently, to emboss the Berlin Palace on a much smaller scale, the contemporary artist Simon Schubert folded, folded and folded again (top center right). References to paper are making their way into fashion design: at Dior's spring couture show in the form of cut-out silk (center) and in Gareth Pugh's notecard-style pieces (top far left). Exhausted by the possibilities? Have a seat in Ryuji Nakamura's Hechima 4 paper chair (bottom far left).
没有装订,也没有墨迹,白纸失去了它古老的目的。建筑师马蒂亚斯·利德(Mattias Lind)前不久用纸做了一个可以居住的、实物大小的“变色龙小屋”(左上)。白纸还变成了一种宣传武器:自称“纸张工程师”的贝尼亚·哈尼(Benja Harney)在澳大利亚气候委员会的支持下用白纸做了“宇宙之轴”(右下),凯瑟琳·温克勒·雷鲁德(Catherine Winkler Rayroud)复杂的剪纸文胸(中排最右)名为“女性解放?什么解放?”很久以前,汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生(Hans Christian Andersen)用剪纸描绘了一个可以触摸的童话故事(左下),希蒙·泽美尔(Shimon Zimel)用19世纪的羊皮纸雕刻术描绘了犹太教的仪式艺术(右上)。当代艺术家西蒙·舒伯特(Simon Schubert)把纸反复折叠,做出了柏林宫微缩浮雕(上排中右)。纸张也用到了时装设计上:迪奥(Dior)春季高级定制时装秀上的剪纸状丝绸裙(中),加勒斯·普(Gareth Pugh)记事卡风格的衣服(中部最左边)。没有别的可能了吧?还有——中村竜治的丝瓜4(Hechima 4)纸椅(下排最左)。
Both dyed pretty colors and in its natural earthy brown, paper inspires seating design like pastel bamboo-paper chairs by Zhang, Christoph, Jovana for Pinwu (bottom right) and a wildly contorted sofa from Molo (bottom center). Similarly, Pennapa Shotlersuk's eco-friendly shopper (bottom left) carries an air of sustainable chic. Of course, paper will always have its raison d'être: to bear the wisdom of the world, here rendered as art in Candida H?fer's image of the beautifully spined stacks inside the Girolamini Library in Naples (top right). But rooms without books can speak volumes, as the papier-maché gilding on the walls of the 18th-century Ludwigslust Palace shows (top left). Recently, the artist Gundula Weber used a comparable decorative technique to create animal heads (top center).
纸张上染着的漂亮颜色和它的天然土黄色启发了座椅设计的灵感,比如张、克里斯托夫(Christoph)和约瓦娜(Jovana)设计的色彩柔和的品物牌竹纸椅(右下)和非常扭曲的Molo牌沙发(中下)。同样地,潘纳帕·肖特勒萨克(Pennapa Shotlersuk)设计的环保购物袋(左下)具有可持续发展的时尚气息。当然,纸总有它存在的理由:承载世界的智慧,这里展示的是坎迪达·霍弗(Candida H?fer)拍摄的那不勒斯吉伦拉米尼图书馆的书库,里面的图书有着漂亮的书脊(右上)。但是没有书的房间也可以意味深远,比如18世纪路德维格斯卢斯特宫墙壁上的混凝纸浆装饰(左上)。最近,艺术家贡杜拉·韦伯(Gundula Weber)用类似的装饰技巧创作动物的头(上中)。
For some artists, bound books are the medium, as in Stephen Doyle's geometric sculpture (top left) and Su Blackwell's whimsical one (bottom center). Eric Boman captures pop-out playfulness in his upcoming book about a 19th-century paper dollhouse (middle right). Riffing on paper petals of grand proportions are the Dutch artist Peter Gentenaar's billowing installations (top center), Alexander McQueen's archival designs (center left) and Kelly Murray's dress made of a phone book (bottom right). Christopher Kane's origami looks for fall (bottom left) and Sindre Bjerkli's layered paper tables (top far right) showcase the many possibilities of the humble material.
对有些艺术家来说,精装书是载体,比如在斯蒂芬·道尔(Stephen Doyle)的几何图形雕塑(左上)和苏·布莱克威尔(Su Blackwell)异想天开的作品(中下)中。埃里克·伯曼(Eric Boman)在他即将出版的关于19世纪纸质玩偶屋的书中充分表达了弹出式玩具的乐趣(中右)。用超大比例的纸质花瓣做文章的包括荷兰艺术家彼得·根特纳尔(Peter Gentenaar)波浪般起伏的装置作品(上中)、亚历山大·麦昆(Alexander McQueen)的经典设计(中左)和凯利·默里(Kelly Murray)用电话薄做成的连衣裙(右下)。克里斯托弗·凯恩(Christopher Kane)的秋季折纸造型(左下)和辛勒·别克利(Sindre Bjerkli)的多层纸桌(上排最右)展示出这种平凡材料的诸多可能性。