What do President Obama, Ellen Degeneres and Pope Francis have in common? They’ve all snapped selfies in the last year. So has Miley Cyrus (she’s posted 121 of them on Twitter). Plane-crash survivor Ferdinand Puentes. And astronaut Steve Swanson. And so, I’m nearly positive, have you.
The selfie, of course, isn’t new—it has been around since the advent of photography, when chemist-turned-photographer Robert Cornelius captured one in 1839. But in the past two years, it has become explosively popular—the sort of meme that scales, seemingly overnight, from mere trend to phenomenon to something your Aunt Edna talks about in her crocheting circle. The Oxford English Dictionary called out “selfie” as the 2013 word of the year. More than half of all millennials (age 18-33) have taken a selfie and shared it online, according to a March 2014 Pew Research Center poll. ABC is debuting a new primetime sitcom called Selfie in late September. (Seriously.) Indie band The Chainsmokers produced a music video called #Selfie that became a viral hit (and was awful!). How the heck did these hastily snapped-and-shared self-portraits become le dernier cri of smartphone society?
自拍本身并不是新鲜事物,它与摄影技术同时诞生。早在1839年,由化学家半路转行成摄影家的罗伯特o科尼利厄斯就拍摄了一张自拍照。不过在过去两年里,自拍开始疯狂地流行起来,从一种潮流变成一种现象,到现在,就连你的邻居大妈也会在打毛衣时“咔嚓”一张。《牛津英语辞典》将“自拍”(selfie)评为“2013年度单词”。据皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)的一项民调,一半以上的“千禧一代”(即18至33岁的人)曾经自拍并且把照片分享到网络上。ABC电视台今年9月末将上映一部新的情景喜剧,名字就叫《自拍》。(这是真的。)独立乐队The Chainsmokers制作了一部叫做《自拍》的MV,在网络上极其火爆(看上去非常可怕)。那么,在这个智能手机大行其道的社会,为什么人们如此热衷于自拍呢?