MONROVIA, Liberia — Some people are swimming in and out of the Ebola quarantine zone in this seaside capital. One man slips out every day to reach his job at a Western embassy. Another has turned his living room into a tollbooth, charging others to escape through his apartment at the edge of the cordoned area. Countless others have used a different method: bribing their way out with fees that soldiers determine according to a person’s appearance, circumstances and even gender.
Christian Verre, a 26-year-old clothing salesman, sneaked out through an abandoned building with his girlfriend, Alice Washington, 21, and eight friends. “Go back! Go back!” soldiers and police officers yelled, he recalled, but the conversation quickly took on a different turn: “What do you got?”
克里斯蒂安·维利(Christian Verre)是一名26岁的服装销售员,他曾和21岁的女友爱丽丝·华盛顿(Alice Washington)以及八个朋友一起,经由一座废弃的建筑物偷偷溜出。“回去!回去!”士兵和警察大喊,他回忆说,但他们的话锋很快就变了:“你有多少东西?”
Those carrying goods handed over more than $8, Mr. Verre said. Traveling light, he was charged $4.25 for his girlfriend and about $6 for himself, “because I’m a man.” The couple now share a shack a few blocks outside West Point, the vast, sprawling slum that was placed under an Ebola quarantine last week.
那些携带物品的人,缴纳了8美元(约合人民币50元)多一点,维利说。他和女友是轻装上路的,女友被收了4.25美元,自己则被收了6美元,“因为我是男人。”这对情侣现在住在一个窝棚里,和西点(West Point)相距几条街;西点是一片广阔、连绵的贫民窟,上周被划为埃博拉隔离区。
“I didn’t want to stay in West Point for 21 days,” he said, referring to Ebola’s maximum incubation period. “I wouldn’t die of Ebola but of hunger.”
The five-month outbreak here in West Africa, already worse than all other Ebola epidemics combined, is for the first time spreading uncontrollably in a major city — one in which a third of Liberia’s 4.5 million people is estimated to rub shoulders, often uneasily. Though Ebola reached Monrovia three months after its appearance in the rural north, the city has become, in a few short weeks, a major focal point of the epidemic.
The outbreak has overwhelmed the government of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, who has won the Nobel Peace Prize and the admiration of leaders around the world. But her management of Liberia has long drawn criticism at home, and now her handling of the Ebola epidemic has presented her with a political crisis that is galvanizing her opposition.
疫情的爆发让利比里亚现政府手足无措;总统埃伦·约翰逊·瑟利夫(Ellen Johnson Sirleaf)曾获得诺贝尔和平奖,受到各国领导人的钦佩,但是她管理利比里亚的方式早已在国内引发批评,现在她应对埃博拉疫情的做法,更是引起了一场政治危机,反对她的人正在闻风而动。
“We suffering! No food, Ma, no eat. We beg you, Ma!” one man yelled at Ms. Johnson Sirleaf as she visited West Point this week, surrounded by concentric circles of heavily armed guards, some linking arms and wearing surgical gloves.
“We want to go out!” yet another pleaded. “We want to be free, Mama, please.”
International Ebola experts and her own health officials advised against imposing the quarantine in West Point, worried that it would antagonize a population whose cooperation the government desperately needs to stop the epidemic. But Ms. Johnson Sirleaf sided with the army, which was the strongest proponent of the quarantine and took the lead in enforcing it, especially in the first two days.
“Putting the police and the army in charge of the quarantine was the worst thing you could do,” said Dr. Jean-Jacques Muyembe, a Congolese doctor who helped identify the Ebola virus in the 1970s, battled many outbreaks in Central Africa and has been visiting Monrovia to advise the government. “You must make the people inside the quarantine zone feel that they are being helped, not oppressed.”
“让警察和军队来负责隔离,没什么事比这更糟了,”让-雅克·穆延贝(Jean-Jacques Muyembe)博士说;他是一名刚果医生,20世纪70年代帮助查明了埃博拉病毒,曾在中非参加过很多次抗击埃博拉疫情的斗争,目前在蒙罗维亚为政府献计献策。“你必须让隔离区里的人觉得,他们正在获得帮助,而不是遭到压制。”
Isolating communities has succeeded in some rural areas in past outbreaks in Central Africa. But the quarantine of an entire urban neighborhood, where an estimated 60,000 to 120,000 people are crammed into crumbling shacks, has proved to be more than just porous. It has also led to deadly clashes with soldiers and may even be helping spread the disease, experts say, forcing people to crowd together for basic humanitarian aid, like food relief.
Cordoned off from the city, young men in West Point squeeze together in dense lines for rice and water, pushing and shoving, sweat mixing, saliva flying, blood sometimes spilling. One morning, a man in a wheelchair trying to cut to the front was beaten, stripped and left sprawled in the middle of the road, urinating over himself.
“The quarantine is going to worsen the spread of Ebola,” said Dr. Muyembe, the director of the National Institute for Biomedical Research in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. “It’s difficult to understand the motivation behind it. It’s simply not a good strategy.”
“隔离会加剧埃博拉的蔓延,”穆延贝博士说,他是刚果民主共和国金沙萨的国家生物医学研究所(National Institute for Biomedical Research)的主任。“难以理解这个策略背后的动机是什么。但它就是不好。”
Lewis Brown, the Liberian minister of information, said the president made the decision based on both health and security concerns. Though Ebola has been spreading throughout other parts of the city, he said, the government singled out West Point because of its dense population and its potential for political instability, as shown when residents recently stormed an Ebola holding center that they did not want in the neighborhood.
利比里亚信息部长路易斯·布朗(Lewis Brown)表示,总统基于对健康和安全的考虑做出了这个决定。虽然埃博拉也在该城市的其他部分蔓延,他说,但政府挑选了西点来隔离,因为那里人口密集,可能会出现政治动荡,最近发生的一起事件就说明了这一点:那里的居民冲击了一个埃博拉病患收容中心,因为他们不希望西点有这样的中心。
“We’re not saying that Ebola is any more present in West Point than other places in the country — that’s not the argument we’re making,” Mr. Brown said. “But the potential is in the size of the area and the interaction with the city itself.”
He added: “We’re not claiming to be experts on Ebola. We’ve never had to deal with this kind of thing, but we’ve always had to deal with our people. We understand our people more than we understand this disease.”
Ms. Johnson Sirleaf has made no public statement since the start of the quarantine and the fatal shooting of a 15-year-old West Point boy, Shakie Kamara, who was caught in a battle between soldiers and men trying to break out of the quarantine zone.
隔离开始之后,在士兵和试图冲破隔离区的民众之间发生的一次冲突中,15岁的西点男孩萨克·卡马拉(Shakie Kamara)遭枪击身亡。总统约翰逊·瑟利夫从隔离开始到现在,一直没有发表任何公开声明。
During her visit to West Point, she apologized to his family and looked at those calling for help with sympathy in her eyes, saying little. Walking several feet behind her, a man in a checkered shirt pulled out Liberian dollar bills from a backpack with his gloved hand and tossed the money to the loudest protesters. The money silenced their criticism but immediately set off fistfights.
A Toyota Land Cruiser took the president out of West Point. Her guards and entourage followed on foot, tossing their used gloves on the ground on their way out.
一辆丰田陆地巡洋舰(Toyota Land Cruiser)载着总统离开了西点。警卫和随从们步行跟随在她车后,在离开途中,他们把自己用过的手套扔在路上。
An Explosive Outbreak
No one knows yet why Ebola has succeeded in spreading at such an alarming rate here in the capital. Ebola has reached the capital cities of Freetown, Sierra Leone, and Conakry, Guinea — the two other West African nations most affected by the current outbreak — but the disease has been more effectively contained in those cities.
The first cases in Monrovia were reported only in June. Infections have multiplied quickly here in recent weeks, illustrating the speed with which Ebola can spread in a major urban area. The county containing Monrovia quickly registered the nation’s biggest death toll — now 274 deaths out of a national total of 754, according to the Ministry of Health.
“The Conakry outbreaks have been very small, and they haven’t exploded in Freetown,” said Dr. Armand Sprecher, an Ebola expert for Doctors Without Borders here. “So something is different in Monrovia. It’s something in the disease transmission behaviors in Monrovia that has done this. That’s my guess. We’ve never seen this kind of explosion in an urban environment before.”
“在科纳克里,疫情爆发的规模非常小,弗里敦的情况也不严重,”阿曼德·斯普雷彻(Armand Sprecher)博士说,他是埃博拉方面的专家,为这里的无国界医生(Doctors Without Borders)组织工作。“所以在蒙罗维亚,有些不一样的特征。蒙罗维亚在疾病传播方面的特征,导致了疫情爆发的程度不同。这是我的猜测。我们以前从来没有见过,埃博拉疫情在城市环境中这样猖獗地爆发。”
As the situation worsened in the capital in mid-August, the government established the city’s first Ebola holding center in West Point, Monrovia’s biggest slum and political opposition stronghold. Locals ransacked and closed down the center within days.
On Aug. 20, under the president’s orders, the army and police placed West Point under quarantine — the first time, some experts say, that a quarantine was attempted on such a scale. West Point reacted with fury: hundreds of young men tried to storm through the barricades. As soldiers fired live rounds to drive them back, the 15-year-old boy, Shakie, was killed. Only heavy rain starting around noon put a stop to the riots.
In rural areas, quarantining communities can work if they are small enough and unified under political or traditional leadership, experts say.
“What is important is for the people to participate in the process; otherwise it becomes too difficult to implement effectively,” said Dr. Nestor Ndayimirije, the World Health Organization’s director for Liberia.
“重要的是,民众要参与这一进程;否则隔离就会变得很困难,无法有效实施”,世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)在利比里亚的主管内斯特·德米瑞吉(Nestor Ndayimirije)博士说。
A week into the quarantine of West Point, life has been getting harder for those without the means or connections to get out. The price of goods that find their way into the quarantine zone — rice, water, coal, prepaid cellphone cards, soap — has doubled.
“People are fighting for food to eat,” said Victor Nwanodu, who owns one of West Point’s most popular public toilets and baths. Business has dropped, he said, as people can no longer afford to pay for a hot bath.
“人们在争抢食物吃,”维克多·万诺多(Victor Nwanodu)说,西点人气最旺的公共卫生间和浴室之一就是他开的。但浴室生意已经下滑,他表示,因为人们没有余钱来洗上一个热水澡了。
Serena Wallo, 31, was one of a few dozen people whose houses were washed away this week along West Point’s heavily eroded shoreline. Unable to leave the quarantine zone, her family now has to stay with friends in the area, in the kind of overcrowded conditions where Ebola thrives.
在西点一些遭到严重侵蚀的海岸线上,本周有几十人的房屋被冲毁,31岁的塞丽娜·瓦诺(Serena Wallo)就是受灾者之一。由于无法离开隔离区,她和家人现在只能投靠西点的朋友,在那种拥挤的居住条件下,埃博拉病毒很容易传播。
“I’m not happy with the government,” Ms. Wallo said. “They are treating us like we are slaves.”
