According to the U N's annual World Drug Report Ice landers smoke the most pot, per capita.
The report estimates that approximately 18.3% of Icelanders aged 15-65 smoke cannabis, the highest per capita percentage in the world followed by the United States at 14.8% and New Zea land at 14.6%.
The report, prepared by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, summarises data on various illegal drugs around the globe, including marijuana. Along with drug trafficking up dates, the U N also provides a breakdown of annual drug use by country on its interactive map.
Globally, cannabis use seems to be down though domestic cultivation of cannabis remains high in Europe especially. According to the report nearly all drug surveys indicate that men are more likely to use drugs such as cannabis than women.
Mean while, challenging the notion that legalisation promotes cannabis use, the Nether lands ranked 21st.
In un related news, Ice land was recently ranked as the World's Most Peaceful Nation.