McDonald's Japan is introducing a new nugget snack featuring the other white meat.
麦当劳日本(McDonald's Japan)将推出一款以另外一种白肉为特色的新的块状小吃。
Less than a week after announcing it would halt sales of all chicken products imported from China following a scandal at chicken-nugget supplier Shanghai Husi Food Co., Japan' largest restaurant chain by revenue said it would start serving Tofu Shinjo Nuggets. They are made mainly from tofu and vegetables.
在中国鸡肉供应商上海福喜食品有限公司(Shanghai Husi Food Co.)曝出食品丑闻后,麦当劳日本宣布将停止出售所有从中国进口的鸡肉产品。在宣布上述决定不到一周的时间里,麦当劳日本称,将开始供应Tofu Shinjo Nuggets。这种食品主要由豆腐和蔬菜制作。麦当劳日本是以收入计日本最大的餐饮连锁机构。
'The new nuggets do not include any chicken' but are made from ingredients that include onions, soybeans, carrots and minced fish, a spokeswoman at McDonald's Japan said. The nuggets, to be manufactured in domestic factories, will be available beginning Wednesday for Yen249 ($2.44) for four pieces.
This is first nugget product to feature tofu as the main ingredient, the spokeswoman said, adding that McDonald's Japan had planned to introduce the product before the scandal in China came to light. Shinjo is a kind of Japanese food made of fish paste, starch and other ingredients.
这位发言人称,这是第一款以豆腐为主要原料的小吃。她还表示,在中国鸡肉食品丑闻爆发前,麦当劳日本已经计划推出这款产品。Shinjo是一种日本食品,由鱼酱、 粉及其他原料制作而成。
The new tofu nuggets will be served with a ginger-flavored sauce. 'Because it isn't meat, it tastes a bit different. It's a bit softer,' the spokeswoman said. 'Calorie-wise, it is a bit lower than chicken as well.' Tofu Shinjo Nuggets will be available until late September.
Following Chinese media reports earlier this month that Shanghai Husi Food was using expired meat in its products, McDonalds Japan said it would cut ties with the supplier.
'I would like to extend my sincere apology to our valued customers,' said Sarah Casanova, chief executive of McDonald's Japan, at a news conference Tuesday. She said the company was committed to safety and described the issue as 'restricted to one supplier in one city.'
麦当劳日本公司首席执行长卡萨瓦尔(Sarah Casanova)周二在一个新闻发布会上表示,愿向重要客户真诚致歉。她称,麦当劳日本公司致力于确保食品安全,这起事件只发生在一个城市的一家供货商。