WOULD you believe us if we told you thatthese stunning paintings were done by someone using just her MOUTH?
Talented Zuly Sanguino was born withoutfully-formed limbs and loves to paint the likes of animals, flowers andlandscapes
The 24-year-old first picked up apaintbrush when she was just a toddler and taught herself this very uniquetechnique.
Born in Bogotain Columbia,Zuly was inspired to be creative by her family - mum Guillermina, brotherEfrain and sister Nyx - who also enjoy painting.
Her family live in poverty, so her motherwas determined to teach her how to sit upright so she wouldn't spend too muchtime on dirty floors.
Zuly claims that she was often bullied byclassmates and even teachers because of her disability, but this only fed theyoung artist's ambition.
However, her love of art also comes with aprice, as painting for long periods of time can cause Zuly pain in her neck,jaw and back.
She enjoys sharing her story throughmotivational speeches in hope that she can show people anything is possible.
She said: "I have my words and I havemy art - I want to show people you can do whatever you want, even me as a womanwithout limbs.
"It's a big physical and mental effortto paint as there is pain in my neck, jaw and back while holding the brush.
"But in my artistic life, these issuesdo not outweigh my desire to create and prove to myself that I can do it."