As China Stalks Satellites, U.S. and JapanPrepare to Defend Them
In May 2013 the Chinese governmentconducted what it called a science space mission from the Xichang SatelliteLaunch Center in southwest China. Half a world away, Brian Weeden, a formerU.S. Air Force officer, wasn’t buying it. The liftoff took place at night andemployed a powerful rocket as well as a truck-based launch vehicle—all quiteunusual for a science project, he says.
In a subsequent report for the Secure World Foundation, the space policy thinktank where he works, Weeden concluded that the Chinese launch was more likely atest of a mobile rocket booster for an antisatellite (ASAT) weapon that couldreach targets in geostationary orbit about 22,236 miles above the equator.That's the stomping grounds of expensive U.S. spacecraft that monitorbattlefield movements, detect heat from the early stages of missile launches,and help orchestrate drone fleets. "This is the stuff the U.S. really cares about",Weeden says.
The Pentagon never commented in detail on last year’s launch—and the Chinesehave stuck to their story. U.S. and Japanese analysts say China has the mostaggressive satellite attack program in the world. It has staged at least sixASAT missile tests over the past nine years, including the destruction of adefunct Chinese weather satellite in 2007. "It's part of a Chinese bid forhegemony, which is not just about controlling the oceans but airspace and, asan extension of that, outer space," says Minoru Terada, deputysecretary-general of Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party.
Besides testing missiles that can intercept and destroy satellites, the Chinesehave developed jamming techniques to disrupt satellite communications. Inaddition, says Lance Gatling, president of Nexial Research, an aerospaceconsultant in Tokyo, the Chinese have studied ground-based lasers that couldtake down a satellite’s solar panels, and satellites equipped with grapplingarms that could co-orbit and then disable expensive U.S. hardware.
除了测试可截获和摧毁卫星的导弹外,中国人还研发干扰技术来阻碍卫星通信。此外,东京航天咨询机构Nexial Research的主席Lance Gatling称中国人已经在研究陆基激光武器用以击落卫星的太阳能板,而且还在研发一种装备有抓钩手臂的卫星,该种卫星可绕轨道运行,利用手臂瘫痪美国昂贵的卫星设备。
To defend themselves against China, the U.S. and Japan are in the early stagesof integrating their space programs as part of negotiations to update theirdefense policy guidelines. In May, Washington and Tokyo discussed ways tocoordinate their GPS systems to better track what’s going on in space and onthe oceans. A recent Japanese cabinet decision eased long-standing limits onthe military forces’ ability to come to the aid of allies under attack.
The U.S. is most vulnerable to a Chinese attack because 43 percent of allsatellites in orbit belong to the U.S. military or U.S. companies, according toa Council on Foreign Relations report in May by Micah Zenko. Japan has four spysatellites in service, and a consortium of Japanese companies led by SkyPerfect Jsat Holdings (9412:JP) and NEC (6701:JP) is building two additional communicationsatellites that will transmit encrypted data. The U.S. has about 30 spysatellites in orbit.
Both countries have sunk billions of dollars into a sophisticated missiledefense system that relies in part on data from U.S. spy satellites. That's whystrategists working for China’s People's Liberation Army have publishednumerous articles in defense journals about the strategic value of chippingaway at U.S. domination in space. "How many missile defense tests haveAmericans carried out?"says Yue Gang, a retired PLA colonel who worked on ASATtechnologies. "China has only conducted a couple of tests, and that’s enough tomake them unable to sit still."
Weeden says the U.S. is exploring otherways to mitigate the perceived threat from China, including dispatching a fleetof smaller, mobile satellites that would be harder for adversaries to find anddestroy. Enabling satellite transmitters to quickly hop between frequenciescould address the Chinese jamming threat, Gatling says.
维顿说,美国正在寻找其他方式来应对中国可能的威胁,包括发射更小型的移动卫星,令对手更难以察觉和摧毁。Lance Gatling认为,让卫星发射机在频率之间快速跳跃,这也能解决中国对卫星的干扰威胁。
In June the U.S. Air Force awarded LockheedMartin (LMT) a $914 million contract to build a ground-based radar system thatwill track objects as small as a baseball, which could help identify asatellite attack as it's happening. “Destroying someone’s satellite is an actof war,"says Dave Baiocchi, an engineering professorat the Pardee RAND Graduate School. "You need to know what’s going on upthere."
6月份,美国空军赋予洛克希德马丁公司9亿1千4百万美元的合约建造一个地基雷达系统,用以追踪棒球大小的物体。如此,在发生卫星袭击事件时就能进行确认。“摧毁别人的卫星就是战争行为,”帕地兰德研究生院的工程教授Dave Baiocchi如是说。“所以需要知道太空上发生了什么事情。”