日期:2014-07-24 14:23


The street dentists of Delhi: Tooth extraction costs just 50p (albeit with a rustypair of pliers) and rows of dentures come with a try-before-you-buy guarantee

Ascars speed past patients in India’s capital don’t think twice about havingtheir teeth seen to by the city’s popular street dentists.

Andit’s not only in New Delhi, it happens in cities all over India.

Self-proclaimedroadside dentists perform complicated dental procedures on patients withlimited funds using almost medieval equipment.

There’sno clinic, no costly chairs, no electric drills, there’s no need for anappointment even, patients just pull up a plastic stool and hope the dentistwill relieve any pain with a rusty set of pliers.

Street dentist Surinder Singh, 67, from Ludhiana, in the eastern state ofPunjab, is a school dropout but learned the dentist trade from his father. He’snow been in this business for 40 years.
来自东部旁遮普邦卢迪亚纳市的67岁街头牙医Surinder Singh是个辍学生,从父亲那里学来了治牙的本事。如今他已经从业40年了。

He said: "A few decades ago I had 15 patients a day but now it's three or four aweek. I make around 2,500 Rs (£25) a month."

‘Now adays only the poorest of the poor come to see me. They cannot afford theseexpensive clinics but they deserve to be treated too so thank god they havepeople like me.’

Patients have to pay 50 Rs (50P) for a tooth extraction and 150 Rs (£1.50) fora new tooth.

A new set of dentures will cost 1,500 Rs (£15) and comes with a one-yearguarantee. There’s no consultation fee.

But patients take a huge risk. The drills, tweezers and pliers are neversterilized, only washed in disinfectant at the end of the day. And Surinderuses a hand held torch for light if a patient comes after dusk.

Any tooth extraction is done without anesthesia; they’re just fed some painkillersafter to cope with the pain.

Surinder added: 'We take extreme care in treating patients. We are equally skillful tohigh-end clinics. I have been doing this for 40 years and none of my patientshave ever complained.

"I buy the teeth from reputable companies and so they’re the real thing."

There is no official ban on roadside dental clinics in India but the Indian MedicalAssociation, an elite body of qualified medical practitioners, have beendemanding a law on street practice for many years.

Butfor customers like Sushant Singh, 48, a labourer, the hospitals and privatedental clinics are too costly.
但对于48岁的工人Sushant Singh来说,医院和私人诊所都太贵了。

He said: "I earn 125 rupees a day and can just about afford to pay 150 Rs forfixing my tooth. The government hospitals do not have dentists and privateclinics charge exorbitant fees. If there’s no street dentist where will a poorman like me go?" he asks.

  • costlyadj. 昂贵的,代价高的
  • exorbitantadj. (价格等)过高的,不合法的
  • extractionn. 抽出,取出,抽出物 n. 血统
  • popularadj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的
  • qualifiedadj. 有资格的,有限制的
  • performv. 执行,运转,举行,表演
  • medievaladj. 中世纪的
  • plasticadj. 塑料的,可塑的,造型的,整形的,易受影响的 n
  • extremeadj. 极度的,极端的 n. 极端,极限
  • consultationn. 请教,咨询,协议会