日期:2014-07-25 08:53



Number Two’s eyes narrowed and became what are known in the Shouting and Killing People trade as cold slits, the idea presumably being to give your opponent the impression that you have lost your glasses or are having difficulty keeping awake. Why this is frightening is an, as yet, unresolved problem.
He advanced on the captain, his (Number Two’s) mouth a thin hard line. Again, tricky to know why this is understood as fighting behaviour. If, whilst wandering through the jungle of Traal, you were suddenly to come upon the fabled Ravenous Bugblatter Beast, you would have reason to be grateful if its mouth was a thin hard line rather than, as it usually is, a gaping mass of slavering fangs.
“May I remind you sir,” hissed Number Two at the Captain, “that you have now been in that bath for over three years?!” This final shot delivered, Number Two spun on his heel and stalked off to a corner to practice darting eye movements in the mirror.
The Captain squirmed in his bath. He gave Ford Prefect a lame smile.
“Well you need to relax a lot in a job like mine,” he said.
Ford slowly lowered his hands. It provoked no reaction. Arthur lowered his.
Treading very slowly and carefully, Ford moved over to the bath pedestal. He patted it.
“Nice,” he lied.
He wondered if it was safe to grin. Very slowly and carefully, he grinned. It was safe.
“Er…” he said to the Captain.
“Yes?” said the Captain.
“I wonder,” said Ford, “could I ask you actually what your job is in fact?”
A hand tapped him on the shoulder. He span round.
It was the first officer.
“Your drinks,” he said.
“Ah, thank you,” said Ford. He and Arthur took their jynnan tonnyx. Arthur sipped his, and was surprised to discover it tasted very like a whisky and soda.
“I mean, I couldn’t help noticing,” said Ford, also taking a sip, “the bodies. In the hold.”
“Bodies?” said the Captain in surprise.
Ford paused and thought to himself. Never take anything for granted, he thought. Could it be that the Captain doesn’t know he’s got fifteen million dead bodies on his ship?
The Captain was nodding cheerfully at him. He also appeared to be playing with a rubber duck.
Ford looked around. Number Two was staring at him in the mirror, but only for an instant: his eyes were constantly on the move. The first officer was just standing there holding the drinks tray and smiling benignly.
“Bodies?” said the Captain again.
Ford licked his lips.



道格拉斯·亚当斯(Douglas Noël Adams,1952年3月11日-2001年5月11日)是一位英国广播剧作家、和音乐家,尤其以《银河系漫游指南》系列作品出名。亚当斯自称为“极端无神论者”。在去世以前,他是一位非常受欢迎的演讲者,尤其是在科技和环保等题材方面。他在49岁时的早逝在科幻和奇幻社群中引起了极大的哀悼。

  • impressionn. 印象,效果
  • constantlyadv. 不断地,经常地
  • sipn. 啜饮 v. 啜饮,啜
  • advancedadj. 高级的,先进的
  • unresolvedadj. 无决断力的;未解决的;不果断的
  • pedestaln. 基架,底座,受人尊敬的地位 vt. 加座,搁在台上
  • massn. 块,大量,众多 adj. 群众的,大规模的 v.
  • gratefuladj. 感激的,感谢的
  • opponentn. 对手,敌手,反对者 adj. 敌对的,反对的
  • rubbern. 橡胶,橡皮,橡胶制品 adj. 橡胶的 n.