Leaders of five big emerging nations plan to create a bank to fund development projects plus an emergency reserve to counter the powerful World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
五大新兴国家的领导人计划成立一家为发展项目提供资金的银行以及一只应急储备基金,以便抗衡强大的世界银行(World Bank)和国际货币基金组织(IMF)。
The plan was announced Tuesday at the annual BRICS summit, an acronym taken from the name of the participating countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The idea is to create an alternative to the major international lending sources so as not to be so dependent on them for money and as a symbol of political strength.
The development bank – funded with $100 from the five member states – will be headquartered in Shanghai and, in its first phase, headed by an Indian president. Although China will be bank’s largest donor, each nation will own an equal share of the bank and have an equal say in governance and policy making. Another $100 billion will be allotted to an emergency reserve fund.
BRICS countries account for 42% of the world’s population and represents $6.14 trillion in annual trade. They contribute roughly 20% of the world’s economy based on GDP.
The BRICS summit took place against the backdrop of Russia’s annexation of Crimea, a Russia-China natural gas deal and the change of government in India. The proceedings were therefore of utmost importance to the U.S from a foreign policy standpoint.
“I think the big message to me coming out of the summit is BRICS are trying to create a safety net that means if the U.S. and Europe tried to isolate and sanction one of them they have something to fall back on,” said Thomas Wright, a fellow at the Brookings Institution who focuses on international relations. “The most worrying parts are that they didn’t say anything critical of Russia on Ukraine. Basically they sent out a message that they had no problem with anything with what Putin was doing.”
布鲁金斯研究所(Brookings Institution)专攻国际关系的研究员托马斯o赖特指出:“在我看来,本次峰会传递出的一条主要信息是,金砖国家正在设法编织一张安全网。这样,一旦美国和欧洲打算孤立、制裁其中某个国家,它们依然可以有所依靠。最令人担心的是,它们没有就乌克兰问题向俄罗斯发表任何关键性言论。基本上,这些国家流露出来的态度是,无论普京干什么,它们都没意见。”
BRICS was established just prior to 2008 financial crisis with Brazil, Russia, India and China. Two years later, they welcomed South Africa to the club. The member nations vary in their economic health and, in some cases, are undergoing economic problems. But they’ve found a diplomatic and political rationale to exist that Wright described as being based on the idea that “not to have all roads go through the West.”
While Russian President Vladimir Putin boldly expresses his views on BRICS—that he’ll press other emerging markets to find ways to prevent “sanction attacks” by the U.S.—other leaders are cautious about their response.
“Together we should think about a system of measures that would help prevent the harassment of countries that do not agree with some foreign policy decisions made by the U.S. and their allies, but would promote a civilized dialogue on all points based on mutual respect,” Putin said in The Moscow Times.
普京在接受《莫斯科时报》(The Moscow Times)采访时说:“我们应当共同制定一整套措施,用它来帮助那些不同意美国及其盟友的外交决策的国家,避免它们陷入困境。同时,这套措施也应当促进以相互尊重为基础的全面和平对话。”
In the past, the BRICS have struggled to reach a consensus. First they could not agree on a candidate to head the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank in 2011 and 2012. Then recently India and South Africa signaled they may backtrack on a trade agreement initially endorsed by all five countries. Many experts perceived it as a group too “splintered” to make any change.
With today’s summit, BRICS managed to break that perception and move forward to realign the economic balance for future development. “It is an achievement for the countries who have not significantly sat on the high table on economic and political governance matters,” said Samir Saran, senior fellow and vice president at Observer Research Foundation, a New Delhi based think-tank. “It is going to create a new ethos of economic governance.”
在本次峰会上,金砖国家成功打破了这种观念。为了今后的发展,它们正在向着重新校准经济平衡的目标迈进。新德里智囊机构Observer Research Foundation高级研究员兼副总裁萨米尔o萨兰认为:“对于这些在经济和政治事务上尚未真正进入贵宾席的国家来说,这是一项成就。它将形成一种新的经济治理观念。”