Chinese ecommerce giant Alibaba Group is teaming up with Lions Gate Entertainment, the US studio that produced The Hunger Games films, to offer Chinese owners of Alibaba’s set-top box a subscription TV service, write Charles Clover and Shannon Bond.
中国电商巨头阿里巴巴集团(Alibaba Group)与狮门娱乐(Lions Gate Entertainment)达成合作,为中国的阿里巴巴机顶盒用户提供独家订购类影视娱乐服务。狮门娱乐为美国电影制片厂,曾出品过《饥饿游戏》(The Hunger Games)等电影。
The service, expected to launch in August, is the latest in a string of deals and tie-ups that have kept Alibaba in the news since the start of the year. The company plans to launch a New York initial public offering to raise about $20bn, potentially the world’s biggest, later this summer.
It has spent more than $6bn over the past 12 months on acquisitions, and has stepped up the pace rapidly as the IPO date nears. Alibaba is looking to broaden its business model from being an ecommerce company to a diversified provider of entertainment and other services both online and offline.
Hollywood studios have been striking deals in China to reach its fast-growing media audience and bypass annual quotas on foreign films.
Relativity Media has invested in China’s Skyland to make local films, while Legendary Entertainment has a joint venture with China Film Co, the largest producer and distributor of Chinese content. DreamWorks Animation operates a joint venture with two state-owned Chinese media groups to develop film, TV and live stage productions.
相对论传媒(Relativity Media)已投资中国的Skyland影视文化发展有限公司拍摄本土电影,传奇娱乐(Legendary Entertainment)也与最大的中文内容生产商和分销商中国电影合作制片公司(China Film Co)成立合资企业。梦工厂动画(DreamWorks Animation)与2家中国国有媒体集团合作运营一个合资企业,开发电影、电视及舞台剧作品。
Alibaba’s new streaming service is part of a push into the entertainment industry that has seen it pay more than $1bn for nearly a fifth of video hosting site Youku Tudou, and about $800m for a 60 per cent stake in ChinaVision Media Group, gaining access to its TV dramas, films and mobile games.
阿里巴巴新的流媒体服务是其进军娱乐产业的一部分,此前它已斥资十几亿美元收购视频网站优酷土豆(Youku Tudou)近五分之一股权,还以大约8亿美元收购了文化中国传播(ChinaVision Media Group)60%的股权,以获得其电视剧、电影和手机游戏。
It launched the set-top box last year in conjunction with Wasu Media, an internet TV company. In April a fund allied to Alibaba’s leadership took a 20 per cent stake in Wasu for more than $1bn.
去年阿里巴巴与互联网电视公司华数传媒(Wasu Media)共同推出机顶盒服务。今年4月一家与阿里巴巴领导人有关的基金以逾10亿美元购买了华数传媒20%的股份。
The streaming service offered jointly with Lions Gate will give users access to the film studio’s content, including several titles from the Twilight and Hunger Games franchises as well as the TV series Mad Men.
阿里巴巴与狮门娱乐联合提供的流媒体服务将让用户欣赏到这家电影公司的影视内容,包括《暮光之城》(Twilight)、《饥饿游戏》及电视剧《广告狂人》(Mad Men)。
Alibaba’s rival Tencent has also been working with a group of big US companies on a streaming video service that will deliver films from Warner Bros, Walt Disney, Universal Pictures and others to home viewers two weeks after their US release.
阿里巴巴的竞争对手腾讯(Tencent)也一直在努力与许多美国大公司合作推出流媒体视频服务,使华纳兄弟(Warner Brothers)、华特迪士尼(Walt Disney)、环球影业(Universal Pictures)等影视公司的电影在美国上映2周后,中国国内观众就能在该流媒体上欣赏到。