This year's Beijing Marathon runners who need to take a leak will have to hold it or find somewhere private to go -- unless they want to be disqualified.
Contestants for this year's Beijing Marathon, a 26.2-mile race that starts at Tiananmen Square and snakes through the heart of Beijing, ending at the National Stadium, will be eliminated from the race should they choose to urinate in public places, state media reported Wednesday. A woman answering the phone at the organizing committee of the Beijing Marathon office confirmed the regulation and said pre-registration for the 2014 Marathon, which will take place on October 19, opens this week.
Last year, some of the more than 30,000 marathon runners, many of them foreign, drew ire from Beijing authorities when they urinated on the red walls of the Forbidden City and on hedges along the route. Pictures of runners peeing went viral, sparking outrage on China's lively social media networks.
At the time, Beijing marathon organizers said that runners had no reason to urinate so freely. The committee told the Beijing Youth Daily the public peeing instead was because of 'uncivilized behavior,' adding that enough portable toilets -- two to three for every five kilometers along the route, according to one staff member -- had been provided.
Less than a month after the controversy, Beijing's government ordered organizers of large, public events to provide at least one portable toilet for every 70 people present, compared to the previous standard of one toilet per every 100 participants.
Veteran marathon runners say it's not uncommon to see people publicly relieving themselves at races in other cities, as lines for portable toilets can easily get crowded. For example, runners crossing the Verazzano-Narrows Bridge from Staten Island to Brooklyn, where the New York City Marathon begins, like to urinate off the side. Likewise, Paula Radcliffe, the world's female marathon record holder, made headlines when she squatted on the side of the London Marathon course in 2005 to defecate four miles from the finish line.
经验丰富的马拉松选手称,人们在其他城市的赛事上当众小便的现象也屡见不鲜,因为流动卫生间很容易人满为患。比如,在纽约马拉松赛上,参赛者在从起点斯塔滕岛(Staten Island)经过韦拉札诺海峡大桥(Verrazano-Narrows Bridge)跑向布鲁克林时总喜欢在路边小便。同样,2005年伦敦马拉松赛上,女子马拉松世界纪录保持者拉德克利夫(Paula Radcliffe)在距终点6.4公里的地方路边小便,一时成为媒体头条。
In the fall, Runner's World reported that Portable Sanitation Association International, a trade association, was going to review its standards on how race organizers should plan for the number of toilets per event, the first such review in more than 20 years. The current formula is based on sheer number of event participants, but may be revised to also reflect gender breakdowns of participants, among other factors.
去年秋天,据《跑步者世界》(Runner's World)杂志报道,国际便携式卫生设备协会(Portable Sanitation Association International)将重新审视有关竞赛组织者应如何安排每项赛事厕所数量的标准,类似的第一次审视已经是20多年前的事了。目前,厕所配置的依据是参赛者的数量,但或许会根据其他因素进行修改,例如参赛者的性别比例。
Readers, do you think it's fair for Beijing Marathon runners to be disqualified for public urination?