Tourists can now come face-to-face with massive saltwater crocodiles as they swim underwater in the glass-lined 'Cage of Death,' an attraction now offered at Northern Australia's Crocosaurus Cove.
可以与巨大的咸水鳄面对面了!北澳大利亚鳄鱼湾现提供此项服务,使游客们有机会在玻璃围成的“死亡之笼”中与鳄鱼共泳 。
For the attraction, brave visitors enter a transparent, acrylic box that is 9 feet tall but only 1.5 inches thick. The cage is lowered into four separate crocodile enclosures, allowing thrill-seekers to tread water with various crocodiles – including one who starred as the beast that nearly ate Linda Koslowski's character in "Crocodile Dundee."
为了观赏,大胆的游客须进入一个透明的丙烯酸盒子,盒高9英尺,厚度只有1.5英寸 。笼子被慢慢地放入4个独立的鳄鱼生活场,给寻求刺激的游客与各种鳄鱼一同踩水的机会——包括一只曾出演过电影的鳄鱼,它在《鳄鱼邓迪》中差点吃掉琳达·科斯罗斯基所扮演的角色 。
"The cage has no bars, unlike cages used in shark dives, which prevents the reptiles from gripping on but deep teeth scratches are visible on the sides, deterring some hesitant participants," reports the Daily Mail.
“不像观赏鲨鱼的‘笼中潜水’,这里的笼子没有铁栏 。因为铁栏虽然能够防止鳄鱼袭击游客,它们在铁栏上留下的咬痕常常会吓退参与者 。”每日邮报如是报道 。
Although the experience only lasts about 15 minutes, guests have to undergo a safety briefing before entering the cage.
虽然这次历险只有短短十五分钟,游客在进入笼子前还是要进行简单的安全教育 。
"I dive with sharks, large rays, moray eels ... but it's not this close. It's exhilarating to get that close to a crocodile of that size," one adventurer tells the Daily Mail after undergoing the 'Cage of Death.'
一个冒险者在经历了“死亡之笼”后告诉每日邮报的记者:“我曾与鲨鱼、巨型鳐形雨和海鳝共泳,但从没有与它们这儿近距离接触过 。与这么大的鳄鱼近距离接触真的很让人兴奋,”
Saltwater crocodiles, known locally in Australia as "salties," are among the largest crocodile species in the world. The males can grow nearly 20 feet long and have been known to weight over 2,200 pounds.
咸水鳄也被澳大利亚人称作“Salties”,是世界上最大的鳄鱼种类 。雄性咸水鳄能够长到20英尺长,已知最重的咸水鳄超过2200磅 。
An on-site photographer will capture what goes down on film so that tourists can remember the adrenaline rush through photos – if they choose to fork over an additional fee for the keepsakes, that is.
现场的摄影师会捕捉到水下的场景,用照片帮助游客们记住肾上腺素狂飙的一刻,当然前提是游客们愿意支付额外的费用 。
The 'Cage of Death' experience itself costs $120 per person, in addition to entry to Crocosaurus Cove, which is $28. If you and a friend want to undergo the experience together, two people can get up-close-and-personal with the crocodiles for $160.
体验“死亡之笼”每人需花费120美金,进入鳄鱼谷需另付28美金 。如果你和朋友想要“共患难”,两人亲密接触鳄鱼只需花费160美金 。