CrimeaLandscapes: Natural Wonders & Ancient Ruins
TheSwallow’s Nest castle highon the cliff above the beautiful Black Sea has become an icon for Crimea,Ukraine. But the Crimea you hear about now involves the Ukraine crisis. Whilewe hope for a peaceful resolution, Crimea lawmakers voted in favor of leavingUkraine for Russia, as Russia already has the Black Sea peninsula under itscontrol. In 10 days, citizens of Crimea must choose: Stay in Ukraine or joinRussia. The crisis in Ukraine made us remember Gagra, the resort paradiseturned to ruins, aka the abandoned Russian Riviera. We became curious aboutwhat else does Crimea look like, besides a castle? Here are some of what wefound; here are amazing natural wonders in Crimea, gorgeous landscapes andseascapes, places with so many caves that they are known as cave towns, as wellan ancient ruins that go back to medieval times.
燕之巢城堡(The Swallow’s Nest castle)耸立在黑海之滨的悬崖之上,已成为了克里米亚的标志。但现在,你能听到的关于克里米亚的消息就是——“乌克兰危机”。尽管我们希望“乌克兰危机”能得到和平的解决,但在俄罗斯已经把黑海半岛纳入控制之下的时候,克里米亚的立法者们却在投票寻求脱离乌克兰加入俄罗斯。在10天之内,克里米亚的公民必须做出选择:要么继续呆在乌克兰要么加入俄罗斯联邦。这次“乌克兰危机”使我们记住了加格拉这个地方,加格拉这个旅游胜地将会成为一片废墟(加格拉又被称为“被抛弃的俄罗斯海岸”)。除了城堡之外,我们越发对克里米亚像什么产生了兴趣。下面是在克里米亚拍摄的一组令人惊奇的自然景观的照片,其中有美丽的地貌海景、以众多洞穴著称的的洞穴小镇,以及一处可追溯到中世纪时代的古代遗迹。
Althoughthe Swallow’s Nest castle high on the cliff above the beautiful Black Sea hasbecome an icon for Crimea, Crimea is so much more than a castle or resortsalong the Black Sea. Here are some of Crimea’s amazing natural wonders andancient ruins.
BearMountain (Ayu-Dag) inCrimea, a natural heritage site in Ukraine. One of 10 Crimean natural placesentered into Ukraine’s top 100 Natural Wonders. National Geo listed Crimea asone of the best trips in 2013, but you can’t go see it right now. In fact, accordingto Wikitravel: WARNING: Crimea has officially been closed by both pro-Russianand pro-Ukrainian forces. Armed pro-Russian gangs of young men have been saidto be patrolling the streets at all hours and brutally beating and robbinganybody suspected of being Ukrainian or western. As the Russian invasion ofCrimea continues, the US State Department encourages all travelers to divertnon-essential travel to Crimea. If you must go be sure to exercise extremecaution, as the situation could quickly escalate. DO NOT in any case wearclothing with insignia of USA, EU, or Ukraine.
位于克里米亚的大熊山(Bear Mountain)是乌克兰的一处自然遗产。克里米亚有10处自然风景列入乌克兰的百大自然景观。美国国家地理频道把克里米亚列为2013年度的最佳旅游目的地之一,但现在你却无法去克里米亚亲眼目睹了。实际上,根据维基旅游的提示,克里米亚被警告为危险等级。由亲俄和亲乌武装力量共同把持的克里米亚已被正式封闭。由一群年轻人构成的亲俄武装团伙宣称将会在街道上进行24小时巡逻,将会对任何被怀疑为乌克兰人或西方人的人进行毒打和抢劫。由于俄罗斯入侵克里米亚的态势还在持续,美国国务院建议所有旅客把克里米亚(设为为目的地的)不必要的旅行转移(到其他地方)。如果你一定要去,那么一定要尤为当心,因为克里米亚的局势可能会瞬息万变。尤其要当心,在任何情况下不要穿着带有美国、欧盟或乌克兰标记的衣服。
It’ssaid that about 60% of Crimea’s population is Russian, since Crimea was part ofRussia until it was ceded to Ukraine in 1954 by the Soviet Union. You may haveheard that in the news, but we want to show you beauty and not strife. Did youknow that Crimea has a Grand Canyon? This is one of the waterfalls in theCrimean Grand Canyon.
Onthe way to the Crimea Grand Canyon, Uch-Cosh clove.
Campersat Fiolent Cape, Crimea. Cape Fiolent is along the Crimean peninsula betweenSevastopol to Balaklava. It has volcanic origin and has numerous rocks ofvarying sizes from stones to minature islands.
Thelost lighthouse, Crimea.
Awaterfall the photographer called “Jur-Jur” in Crimea.
TheKara Dag (Black Mountain) is a volcano on the Black Sea in Crimea. There isalso a Kara Dag Nature Reserve.
GoldenGate natural arch, Karadag nature reserve as seen from the Black Sea. Thereserve was created in 1979 to protect Europe’s only Jurassic period rockyshoreline massif. Formations on the reserve came from extinct volcanoes.
Crimeanwinter landscape, also tagged Ai-Petri, “the most famous mountain” from whichto contemplate the beauty of Crimea.
AboveLaspy Bay, these rocks are called Devil Fingers.
Massivepanorama of Balaklava Bay.
Balaklavaunderground was formerly a classified submarine base; it was operational until1993.
St.Vladimir’s Cathedral overlooks the extensive excavations and Ruins ofChersonesos, Crimea. Chersonesus “is an ancient Greek colony foundedapproximately 2,500 years ago in the southwestern part of the CrimeanPeninsula. The ancient city is located on the shore of the Black Sea at theoutskirts of Sevastopol on the Crimean Peninsula of Ukraine, where it isreferred to as Khersones. It has been nicknamed the ‘Ukrainian Pompeii’ and ‘RussianTroy’.”
Caveon Mt. Ay-Petri, Crimea.
Esky-Kermen (Eski Kermen) cavetown in Crimea was a medieval city-stronghold.
克里米亚的Esky-Kermen(Eski Kermen)洞穴小镇在中世纪是一个城市要塞。
BothChufut Kale and Mangup Kale are cave-towns. Kale means “fortress” and Mangup isthe biggest cavern fortress on the Crimean peninsula. There are ancientdefensive walls, now ruins, still standing in Mangup. There are also caves,some still used as monasteries or temples. The biggest and the most unique caveis “Baraban Koba. There is a column inside it, and if you hit it, it makes adrumming sound.” The photographer called this Mangupshot, “A stone apartment.”
ChufutKale和angupKal是两个洞穴小镇。Kale是“堡垒、要塞”的意思,Mangup是克里米亚半岛最大的洞穴堡垒。这里有古代城墙的遗址仍屹立于此,这里也有洞穴,它们 其中的一些仍被当作修道院或寺庙使用。最大且最独一无二的一处叫BarabanKoba,这里有一个石柱,如果你敲击它,它会发出击鼓的声音。摄影师把这一景观称为“石头公寓”。
Mammothbones in Marble Cave, Crimea. Although Marble Cave was not named as one of the7 Natural Wonders of Ukraine, it was nevertheless notable enough to be given ahat tip.
Chufut-Kalecave city served as another fortress in the middle ages. There are around 200caves at Chufut that have been used as shelters, as churches, mosques, andprayer houses over the centuries.
Adalary, island rocks of Gursuf, Crimea.
Lookingtoward Yalta from the ridge Kizil-Kaya, the Yaltamountain nature reserve. Yalta is a beautiful resort town along the Black Sea;the town has numerous historically famous and modern attractions.
Churchof Christ’s Resurrection in Foros, Crimea.
BlackSea and tree growing on the rocks of the Crimean Mountains.
Para-sailingby the Black Sea over the amazing Koktebel Valley landscape.
CapeMartyan, near Nikita Botanical Garden, Crimea. CapeMartyan Reserve consists of 590 acres (240 hectares) divided almost evenlybetween land and the adjoining Black Sea.
Besidesthese natural wonders, Crimea has incredible architecture and many man-madewonders like the Swallows Nest, a castle built for love, but steeped in sadhistory.
Autumnwaterfall in the forest of Crimea.
Sunlightand Crimea mountains as seen from a helicopter.
Viewof Balaklava as seen from the Genoese fortress.
Genoesefortress in Sudak, Crimea. It was founded in 1371. The fortress was built atopan ancient coral reef formation now located 492 ft (150 m) above sea level.
Thearea around Crimea has seen many wars over the centuries and has many ruins.The photographer wrote, “This photo was taken during a hike nearby Sudak. Thehills were gently rounded and the landscape was somewhat similar to thatpresented in ‘Fallout’ video games (out-of-ordergas stations, giant rusted tanks etc., no people at all). We came uponsomething looking like a small, abandoned farm. The place was so perfectly andprecisely ruined it looked almost like a movie set! It seemed that the only inhabitantswere this cow and a pig, resting in mud nearby.”
克里米亚半岛周围地区在过去的几百年里经历了许多战争,有许多遗迹。摄影师写道,“这张照片是在Sudak附近徒步旅行时拍摄的。这座山呈圆形,这座山的景观有点类似于“Fallout”电子游戏中的场景 (无序的加油站、巨大的已经生锈了的坦克等、毫无人烟等)。我们来到了一个看上去像一个废弃的小农场的地方。这个地方是如此的完美但却恰恰毁于战争,这看上去就像电影中的场景。这里唯一的居民就是这头牛和一头在泥浆附近休息的猪。”
TheRussia – Ukraine conflict, more stormy times ahead for Crimea? Cloudwave over Khaphal
图片:漂浮在Khaphal上的云层 俄罗斯与乌克兰的冲突,对克里米亚来说是暴风雨吗?
Doublerainbow over Village Tankovoe, Bakhchisaray district,Crimea.
Storm,water spout, on the Black Sea.
Differentperspective in Crimea, yellow cable car over Yalta.
“TheRing” — creepy capture in a Crimean cave.
Crimea, lighthouse at dawn.Crimea…Ukraine’s or Russia’s? Not even taking into account the fabulous resorttemperatures or seaside military advantage, it’s not hard to see why anycountry might want Crimea as their own.