That is one bad hare day! The incrediblyfluffy Angora rabbits who are so engulfed by their bushy fur you can hardlytell there is a living creature within it.
全身被皮毛覆盖的安哥拉兔,根本看不出来里面藏有一只兔子 。
Yes, believe it or not, there really is arabbit underneath all that fur, although it seems to be having a very bad orvery good hare day.
是的,这些皮毛之下竟然藏着一只兔子,信不信由你 。貌似如此之多的皮毛对兔子来说既有好处也有坏处 。
Like a giant dust bunny, Ida the EnglishAngora is the proud owner of possibly the worlds longest or at least softesthair for a rabbit - which can get as long as 10 or more inches.
像巨型灰兔子一样,这只叫做艾达的英国安哥拉兔拥有兔子界最长或者至少是最柔软的皮毛——最长的可达到10多英寸 。
Bred and coiffed by Betty Chu, professoremeritus at San Jose State University, the rabbits tour across the state fordisplay in shows as part of the Northern California Angora Guild.
这些兔子为圣何塞州立大学的名誉退休教授 Betty Chu所有,作为北加州安哥拉协会的一部分,这些兔子巡游整个州,出现在各式各样的节目中 。
Long famed and desired for their incredibly soft fur or wool, Chu uses scissorsto shear her rabbits, never once harming her fluffy friends.
长久以来,这种兔子就以其异常柔软的皮毛闻名和受人喜欢,Chu用剪刀修理这些兔子,她的这些毛绒绒的朋友从来没有受到伤害 。
Incredibly, while the rabbits hair literally engulfs it, the bunny itselfweighs only six or seven pounds at max.
难以置信的是,这些被皮毛吞没的兔子每只最多只重达6或者7磅 。
Preparing the rabbits for display is an arduous and delicate task - and Betty uses aspecial brush and hairdryer that doubles up a vacuum cleaner to give addedvolume.
向观众展示这些兔子的准备工作既费力又复杂——她使用的是一种特别的刷子和吹风机,再加上一个真空吸尘器,从而让兔毛更显蓬松 。
Her rabbits hair grows back at the rate ofone inch a month and she uses the wool that she gets from her rabbits forscarves, hats and gloves.
被修剪后,兔毛以每个月一英寸的速度生长,她利用减下来的兔毛来制作围巾、帽子和手套 。
Indeed, breeding the rabbits is Chu's passion and she doesn't makeany money from it and is involved in it purely for the enjoyment she gets fromthem as pets.
养兔子是Chu的爱好所在,她无法从中赚钱,她这么做仅仅是为了获得养宠物的乐趣 。
Angora rabbits are 'also very lovable, theycan be litterbox trained like cats and they would follow owners like dogs,' shesaid according to The Huffington Post.
安哥拉兔子非常的讨人喜欢,你可以像猫一样训练它们,而它们又会像狗一样听话,她说 。