US police must obtain a warrant to search a suspect’s smartphone after the Supreme Court ruled on Wednesday that constitutional privacy protections apply to the often extensive data people keep on the devices in their pockets.
美国最高法院(US Supreme Court)周三裁定,那些装在人们口袋里的设备上存储的大量数据也适用宪法隐私保护条款。今后,美国警方必须取得授权才能搜查嫌疑人的智能手机。
In a unanimous ruling praised by privacy campaigners, the court decided that searching a smartphone was more like downloading the contents of a computer than leafing through someone’s address book.
The fourth amendment bans “unreasonable searches and seizures” but police are usually allowed to search the personal belongings a suspect is carrying. Lower courts had been divided on whether to ban searches of smartphones without a warrant.
Chief Justice John Roberts said the “immense storage capacity” of smartphones made them different from anything else a suspect is holding.
首席法官约翰•罗伯茨(John Roberts)表示,智能手机的“巨大存储量”令其有别于嫌犯携带的其他任何物品。
“Modern cell phones are not just another technological convenience. With all they contain and all they may reveal, they hold for many Americans ‘the privacies of life’,” he wrote. “The fact that technology now allows an individual to carry such information in his hand does not make the information any less worthy of the protection for which the Founders fought.”
The Electronic Frontier Foundation, a privacy rights campaign group, described the ruling as “groundbreaking”. Hanni Fakhoury, staff attorney, said: “This should have implications for other forms of government electronic searches and surveillance, tightening the rules for police behaviour and preserving our privacy rights in our increasingly digital world.”
该案源于两起警方搜查电话的事件。在“赖利诉加利福尼亚州案”(Riley v California)中,警方在一个智能手机上发现了能够证明嫌疑人有罪的照片及其他信息,这些内容能将嫌疑人与一起枪击案联系起来,州法院表示这么做是合法的。然而波士顿发生的另一个案件却得出了相反的结论,在该案中嫌疑人普通功能电话(不是智能电话)上的一个通话记录被用来推断他的居住地。该案中的这一证据被联邦上诉法庭排除。
The Constitutional Accountability Center, which like the EFF filed a brief in the case, said it was a good day for the “Bill of Rights”. Doug Kendall, CAC president, said searching cell phones without a warrant was “even more intrusive” than “similar searches of colonial-era homes, which the Founders fought against in the Revolutionary War”.
The case originated from two incidents where police searched phones. In Riley v California, police found incriminating photos and other information on a smartphone connecting a suspect to a shooting, which state courts said was legal. But another case in Boston reached the opposite conclusion, where a call on a suspect’s feature phone (not as advanced as a smartphone) was used to discover where he lived. The evidence in that case was thrown out by a federal appeals court.