For those keeping score of women on the Fortune 500, here’s some good news: The definitive ranking of America’s biggest companies boasts some 24 female CEOs, up from 20 a year ago, and more than at any point since Fortune started compiling executive gender in 1998.
长期跟踪《财富》美国500强(Fortune 500)企业女性发展情况的人们现在迎来了个好消息:最终榜单上全美最大公司中共有24位女性首席执行官,而一年前仅有20位。自《财富》杂志(Fortune)从1998年起开始收集整理不同性别高管的情况以来,这个数字创下了有史以来的最高纪录。
The “meh” news: That still represents a small percentage —4.8% to be exact — of the overall CEOs on the list. While just one woman led a Fortune 500 company in 1998, that number slowly rose to 15 in 2009 before declining to 12 women by 2011.
This year’s list comes with six new women CEOs, two of whom will be defined by how the deal with huge corporate crises in their first year as CEO. Mary Barra became the first woman to lead a major automotive company in January when she took over as chief executive of General Motors. Barra is currently navigating GM through a recall of millions of vehicles linked to a 2005 faulty ignition problem. Lynn Good, the CEO of Duke Energy, became CEO last August and is now dealing with one of Duke’s biggest environment crises in the company 100-year history. More than 30,000 tons of Duke’s coal waste accidentally spilled into a North Carolina river in February.
今年的榜单上共有6位新任女掌门,其中有2位因其在出任首席执行官的第一年就面对公司的重大危机力挽狂澜而引人瞩目。今年1月当玛丽o巴拉出任通用汽车公司(General Motors)的首席执行官后,她就成为了历史上第一位领导大型汽车公司的女性。现在,巴拉正带领通用汽车全力应对一次上百万规模的召回,这次召回是因2005年遗留的点火装置隐患而引起的。林恩o古德是杜克能源公司(Duke Energy)的首席执行官。她去年8月上任,现在正在着手解决杜克公司百年历史上的最大环境危机。今年2月,杜克能源的三万多吨煤矸石被不慎倒进北卡罗来纳州的一条河流。
Engineering company CH2M Hill announced in January that company-insider Jacqueline Himan would be taking over the CEO spot and convenience retailer CST Brands also announced that month Kimberly Bowers would become CEO. Tobacco giant Reynolds American brought back former CEO Susan Cameron to lead the company effective May 1st and just last month Ross Stores announced Chief Merchandising Officer Barbara Rentler would take over the C-suite.
今年1月,工程公司西图公司(CH2M Hill)宣布来自公司内部的杰奎琳o海曼出任首席执行官,同时汽油零售商CST Brands公司也宣布金柏莉o鲍尔斯出任首席执行官。烟草巨头雷诺美国公司(Reynolds American)请回了前任首席执行官苏珊o卡梅隆从5月1日开始重新领导公司,而上个月罗斯百货公司(Ross Stores)宣布首席商品官芭芭拉o兰特尔将出任首席执行官一职。
The 2014 Fortune 500 CEO list is also noticeable lacking one high-powered female tech executive. This year, for the first time in nine years, Yahoo is not a part of the Fortune 500 and CEO Marissa Mayer has fallen off the list after making her debut last year.
And while women make up a small percentage of the Fortune 500 CEOs, American companies are slightly more balanced than those of some of our peer economies. Despite droves of policies in place to support bringing women into executive leadership, only 3% of Scandinavia’s largest firms are led by women. Stay tuned for Fortune’s upcoming Global 500 to see how women CEOs fare on the ranking of the world’s largest companies.
Here is the full list of Fortune 500 women CEOs:
1. Mary Barra – General Motors (No. 7 on the 2014 Fortune 500)
2. Margaret Whitman – Hewlett-Packard (No. 17)
3. Virginia Rometty – International Business Machines (No. 23)
4. Patricia Woertz – Archer Daniels Midland (No. 27)
5. IndraNooyi – Pepsi Co (No. 43)
6. MarillynHewson – Lockheed Martin (No. 59)
7. Ellen Kullman – DuPont (No. 86)
8. Irene Rosenfeld – Mondelez International (No. 89)
9. PhebeNovakovic – General Dynamics (No. 99)
10. Carol Meyrowitz – TJX (No. 108)
11 Lynn Good – Duke Energy (No. 123)
12. Ursula Burns – Xerox (No. 137)
13. Deanna Mulligan – Guardian Line Ins. Co. of America (No. 245)
狄安娜·玛丽甘——Guardian Line Ins. Co. of America公司(第245位)
14. Kimberly Bowers – CST Brands (No. 266)
金伯莉·鲍尔斯——CST Brands公司(第266位)
15. Debra Reed – Sempra Energy (No. 267)
16. Barbara Rentler – Ross Stores (No. 277)
17. Sherylin McCoy – Avon Products (No. 282)
18. Denise Morrison – Campbell Soup (No. 315)
19. Susan Cameron – Reynolds American (No. 329)
20. Heather Bresch – Mylan (No. 377)
21. Ilene Gordon – Ingredion (No. 412)
22. Jacqueline Himan – CH2M Hill (No. 437)
23. Kathleen Mazzarella – Graybar Electric (No. 449)
24. GraciaMartore – Gannett (No. 481)