日期:2014-05-19 11:36



The waiter smiled a polite little waiter’s smile. He had almost exhausted his polite little waiter repertoire and would soon be slipping into his role of a rather tight lipped and sarcastic little waiter.
“Afterlife sir?” he said, “No sir.”
“And we’re not dead?” said Arthur.
The waiter tightened his lips.
“Aha, ha,” he said, “Sir is most evidently alive, otherwise I would not attempt to serve sir.”
In an extraordinary gesture which is pointless attempting to describe, Zaphod Beeblebrox slapped both his foreheads with two of his arms and one of his thighs with the other.
“Hey guys,” he said, “This is crazy. We finally did it. We finally got to where we were going. This is Milliways!”
“Yes sir,” said the waiter, laying on the patience with a trowel, “this is Milliways – the Restaurant at the End of the Universe.”
“End of what?” said Arthur.
“The Universe,” repeated the waiter, very clearly and unnecessarily distinctly.
“When did that end?” said Arthur.
“In just a few minutes, sir,” said the waiter. He took a deep breath. He didn’t need to do this since his body was supplied with the peculiar assortment of gases it required for survival from a small intravenous device strapped to his leg. There are times, however, when whatever your metabolism you have to take a deep breath.
“Now, if you would care to order drinks at last,” he said, “I will then show you to your table.”
Zaphod grinned two manic grins, sauntered over to the bar and bought most of it.



道格拉斯·亚当斯(Douglas Noël Adams,1952年3月11日-2001年5月11日)是一位英国广播剧作家、和音乐家,尤其以《银河系漫游指南》系列作品出名。亚当斯自称为“极端无神论者”。在去世以前,他是一位非常受欢迎的演讲者,尤其是在科技和环保等题材方面。他在49岁时的早逝在科幻和奇幻社群中引起了极大的哀悼。

  • pointlessadj. 不尖的,钝的,不得要领的
  • universen. 宇宙,万物,世界
  • extraordinaryadj. 非凡的,特别的,特派的
  • patiencen. 耐心,忍耐,毅力 n. 单人玩的牌戏
  • describevt. 描述,画(尤指几何图形),说成
  • survivaln. 生存,幸存者
  • sarcasticadj. 讽刺的
  • minutesn. 会议记录,(复数)分钟
  • devicen. 装置,设计,策略,设备
  • troweln. 泥刀,小铲子 vt. 用尼刀抹开,抹平