Food-inspired footwear is here to stay, and this time, branding is everything.
According to First We Feast, U.K. retailer End Clothing paired up with Saucony with a new shoe — the Saucony Shadow 5000 Burger.
据First We Feast网站报道,英国零售商End服饰和索康尼跑鞋合作,推出汉堡鞋——索康尼Shadow 5000 Burger
The product description from End Clothing explains hamburgers have gone luxe, so why shouldn't the sneaker have its turn?
“Over the past couple of years new gourmet burger joints have been popping up all over the world," the site reads, "using high quality ingredients such as flakes of gold, foie gras and truffles as toppings to the burgers."
Take a look at the 'Burger' shoe, retailing for $135.
The shoe box is made to look like a take-out box. The shoe's colors resemble those found on a hamburger. Reds, greens, browns and tans.
But this isn't a fast food run-of-the-mill sandwich. The sneaker is made of nubuck, suede, and leather.
Even the laces come in packaging styled like condiments.
The shoes will start selling online on May 3rd at End Clothing.