Deep Springs--the tiny, prestigious U.S. college known for a curriculum that combines book reading with cattle branding--usually only gets between 100 and 200 applicants a year. Thanks to China, that number could soon swell considerably.
深泉学院(Deep Spring)是美国一所极具声望的学校,它规模很小,以读书与放牧相结合的教学手法而闻名。该校通常每年只收到100-200份入学申请。拜中国所赐,这个数字可能很快会急剧膨胀。
On Wednesday, 'Deep Springs' was among the most-discussed topics on Weibo. The reason? A Chongqing high school student reportedly was accepted to the all-male two-year school, quickly earning him the nickname 'Deep Springs Brother.'
News of the 'cowboy college' and its unusual pedagogy quickly captured the imagination of the Chinese Internet, as did its acceptance rate, which occasionally dips as low as 6%, making it approximately as hard to get into as Harvard in some years.
'What a magical school--it really meets my bold and imaginative ideals from when I was young,' wrote one user.
Even among the U.S.'s eclectic mix of colleges, Deep Springs--where students mix classes such as 'Love, Death, and Fate in Modern Scandinavian Literature' while trading responsibility for slaughtering cows--stands out. Its campus is set on an isolated California alfalfa farm in the desert, charges no tuition, and plays host to just a couple dozen male students per year. The school's mission statement says graduates, in turn, 'incur a lifelong obligation to improve the human condition.' Most go on to finish their studies at some of the world's most prestigious institutions such as Cambridge, Oxford, Yale and Harvard.
According to a profile in the government-run China Daily, Peng Shuhan, the accepted Chongqing student, toured the college earlier this year. 'I participated in butchering a pig. It was so new to me,' Mr. Peng told China Daily, adding that he hasn't yet decided whether to attend the school or not.
Online, some commentators argued that the Deep Springs approach held a particular resonance for Chinese people.
'It's possible to find traces in China's ancient history of a school like Deep Springs,' wrote one user, citing old academies that trained scholars and martial arts practitioners. 'Compared with ordinary universities, when it comes to developing a certain kind of skill, these kinds of schools hidden in the mountains or open countryside do have an advantage. This style of school is something China's educators and entrepreneurs can definitely learn from.'
'Plow the fields half the time, study half the time. That's China's tradition,' wrote another.