World's Best Looking Female Politicians
1 Mara Carfagna
1 马拉 卡法娜
Once a topless dancer, Carfagna is now Italy’s Minister of Equal Opportunity.
2 Michelle Obama
2 米歇尔 奥巴马
The First Lady is known the world over for her charm, intelligence, grace, brilliant style, and arms that could put a frat boy to shame!
3 Alina Kabaeva
3 阿林娜·卡巴耶娃
She was first known as an Olympic gymnast. Then she was known as Vladimir Putin's rumored mistress. Now she is the most beautiful member of the Russian legislature.
她最先以奥林匹克体操运动员的身份为众人知晓,然后据传是弗拉基米尔 普金的绯闻情人。现在,她是俄罗斯杜马最美女议员。
4 Angela Gerekou
4 安杰拉 格蕾库
Greece should be known for hot female politicians above anything else. Gerekous is a parliament member and also the country's tourism minister.
5 Eunice Olsen
5 欧生优丽
Eunice Olsen's multi-ethnic good looks not only made her Miss Singapore, but also a hot Asian politician as she formerly served as a Singaporean Member of Parliament.
6 Eva Kaili
6 伊娃 凯莉
Greece may be down in the dumps politically and economically, but the country's got Eva Kaili, a ravishing member of Parliament.
希腊政治和经济可能正处于谷底,不过这个国家有伊娃 凯莉--一个迷人的议会议员。
7 Yuri Fujikawa
7 藤川优里
This Japanese city councilwoman has stirred up controversy for being an attractive young female politician with a photobook that includes pictures of herself lounging in a bikini in her hometown.
作为一名年轻又有魅力的女政客, 这位日本八户市议会女议员曾经因一本写真集而引起不少争议。写真集里,藤川优里在她的家乡身着比基尼悠闲躺卧。
8 Sethrida Geagea
8 赛琳达 吉杰
Lebanon’s hottest Member of Parliament, Sethrida Geagea, 45, not only makes sure to vote and get her people's votes, she also takes time out to pose for magazine cover photoshoots in revealing evening gowns.
黎巴嫩最美女议员赛琳达 吉杰现年45岁。她不仅确保自己参加投票及争取到该国人民的选票。当时身着晚礼服的她还花了一点时间到外面去,为杂志封面照片的拍摄大摆造型。
9 Huma Abedin
9 胡玛·阿贝丁
Best known as Hillary Clinton's "body person", Abedin is also known as the wife of Representative Anthony Weiner, making her one of the most influential behind-the-scenes player in American politics.
阿贝丁最为人熟知的身份是希拉里的“贴身女助手”,同时她也是美国议会议员安东尼?维纳的妻子, 这让她成为美国政界最有影响力的“幕后玩家”之一。
10 Cayetana Alvarez
10 卡耶特娜 阿尔维里斯
This Oxford-educated Spanish beauty is a member of the Spanish Parliament and is a member of the Partido Popular.
11 Joanna Mucha
11 乔安娜 穆乔
Polish politician Mucha is a member of the Polish Lower House -- and makes every hot female politician list out there.
12 Christa Markwalder
12 克里斯塔 马克韦德
The Swiss liberal politician is known for her charming good looks -- where do the Europeans find all these cuties to get into politics?
13 Pam Bondi
13 帕姆 邦迪
Pam Bondi is a Republican Florida Attorney General who also happens to be the lead plaintiff in the fight to derail Obamacare.
帕姆 邦迪是共和党成员、佛罗里达首席检察官,也是恰巧是带领佛罗里达反对奥巴马医改的“首席原告”。
14 Kirsten Gillibrand
14 陆天娜
Gillibrand is a junior Senator from New York, whose good looks and tasteful style has been featured in a spread and profile in Vogue magazine.
15 Luciana León
15 露西安娜 里昂
The Peruvian politician was an advisor to the Women's commission of the Congress, subsequently advisor to the Vice President of Congress, her mentor Mercedes Cabanillas until 2003. León was elected Congresswoman in 2006 representing Lima and being the youngest representative in the 2006-2011 term. In the election 2011, she was re-elected for another five-year term.
这位秘鲁女政治家曾是国会妇女事务委员会顾问,后来一直到2003年,她都是国会副总统、她的导师梅塞德斯 卡瓦尼利亚斯的顾问。2006年,里昂当选为代表利马的国会女议员,成为2006-2011届国会成员中最年轻的议员。在2011年选举中她再度当选,成为为期五年的下一届国会成员。