You've put your keys somewhere and now they appear to be nowhere, certainly not in the basket by the door they're supposed to go in and now you're 20 minutes late for work. Kitchen counter, night stand, book shelf, work bag: Wait, finally, there they are under the mail you brought in last night.
Losing things is irritating and yet we are a forgetful people. The average person misplaces up to nine items a day, and one-third of respondents in a poll said they spend an average of 15 minutes each day searching for items -- cellphones, keys and paperwork top the list, according to an online survey of 3,000 people published in 2012 by a British insurance company.
Everyday forgetfulness isn't a sign of a more serious medical condition like Alzheimer's or dementia. And while it can worsen with age, minor memory lapses are the norm for all ages, researchers say.
Our genes are at least partially to blame, experts say. Stress, fatigue, and multitasking can exacerbate our propensity to make such errors. Such lapses can also be linked to more serious conditions like depression and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorders.
'It's the breakdown at the interface of attention and memory,' says Daniel L. Schacter, a psychology professor at Harvard University and author of 'The Seven Sins of Memory.'
哈佛大学(Harvard University)心理学教授、《记忆七罪》(The Seven Sins of Memory)的作者丹尼尔·L·沙克特(Daniel L. Schacter)称:“健忘是注意力和记忆临界区域出现的故障。”
That breakdown can occur in two spots: when we fail to activate our memory and encode what we're doing -- where we put down our keys or glasses -- or when we try to retrieve the memory. When you encode a memory, the hippocampus, a central part of the brain involved in memory function, takes a snapshot which is preserved in a set of neurons, says Kenneth Norman, a psychology professor at Princeton University. Those neurons can be activated later with a reminder or cue.
这种故障可能在两种情况下出现:一是当我们无法启动记忆、无法对行为(比如我们把钥匙或眼镜放在哪里了)进行编码的时候;二是当我们试图提取记忆的时候。普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)的心理学教授肯尼斯·诺曼(Kenneth Norman)称,当人类对记忆进行编码时,大脑中主管记忆的海马体会拍摄一张快照,并把它存储在一系列神经元之中。那些神经元可以随后由提示或线索而启动。
It is important to pay attention when you put down an item, or during encoding. If your state of mind at retrieval is different than it was during encoding, that could pose a problem. Case in point: You were starving when you walked into the house and deposited your keys. When you then go to look for them later, you're no longer hungry so the memory may be harder to access.
当你放下某件物品或进行其他记忆编码行为时,用心至关重要。而在提取记忆时,如果你的情绪状态不同于编码时的状态,那么就可能会有问题。相关案例:当你走进房子、放下钥匙时,你正 肠辘辘。而如果你随后寻找钥匙时已不再 饿,那么关于钥匙的记忆可能会更难提取。
The act of physically and mentally retracing your steps when looking for lost objects can work. Think back to your state of mind when you walked into the house (Were you hungry?). 'The more you can make your brain at retrieval like the way it was when you lay down that original memory trace,' the more successful you will be, Dr. Norman says.
In a recent study, researchers in Germany found that the majority of people surveyed about forgetfulness and distraction had a variation in the so-called dopamine D2 receptor gene (DRD2), leading to a higher incidence of forgetfulness. According to the study, 75% of people carry a variation that makes them more prone to forgetfulness.
'Forgetfulness is quite common,' says Sebastian Markett, a researcher in psychology neuroscience at the University of Bonn in Germany and lead author of the study currently in the online version of the journal Neuroscience Letters, where it is expected to be published soon.
德国波恩大学(University of Bonn)的心理神经科学研究员塞巴斯蒂安·马克特(Sebastian Markett)表示:“健忘非常常见。”马克特博士是上述研究的首席作者,目前该研究论文发表在了《神经科学通讯》(Neuroscience Letters)的网络版上,预计将很快出版。
The study was based on a survey filled out by 500 people who were asked questions about memory lapses, perceptual failures (failing to notice a stop sign) and psychomotor failures (bumping into people on the street). The individuals also provided a saliva sample for molecular genetic testing.
About half of the total variation of forgetfulness can be explained by genetic effects, likely involving dozens of gene variations, Dr. Markett says.
The buildup of what psychologists call proactive interference helps explain how we can forget where we parked the car when we park in the same lot but different spaces every day. Memory may be impaired by the buildup of interference from previous experiences so it becomes harder to retrieve the specifics, like which parking space, Dr. Schacter says.
A study conducted by researchers at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in California found that the brain keeps track of similar but distinct memories (where you parked your car today, for example) in the dentate gyrus, part of the hippocampus. There the brain stores separates recordings of each environment and different groups of neurons are activated when similar but nonidentical memories are encoded and later retrieved. The findings appeared last year in the online journal eLife.
一项由加利福尼亚州索尔克生物研究所(Salk Institute for Biological Studies)的研究人员进行的研究发现,大脑会在齿状回(海马体的一部分)中持续记录相似但截然不同的记忆,比如你今天把车停在哪儿了这个信息。在齿状回中,大脑储存着对各种环境的记录,当相似但不同的记忆被编码储存并随后被提取时,不同的神经元则相应地被激发起来。这些研究成果去年发表于网络期刊eLife。
The best way to remember where you put something may be the most obvious: Find a regular spot for it and somewhere that makes sense, experts say. If it's reading glasses, leave them by the bedside. Charge your phone in the same place. Keep a container near the door for keys or a specific pocket in your purse.
Mark McDaniel, a psychology professor at Washington University in St. Louis and co-author of 'Memory Fitness: A Guide for Successful Aging,' says one effective technique is to think or even say out loud, 'I'm putting my wallet on the dresser.'
路易斯华盛顿大学(Washington University in St. Louis)的心理学教授、《健康记忆:成功老龄化指南》(Memory Fitness: A Guide for Successful Aging)的合着者马克·麦克丹尼尔(Mark McDaniel)说,一个有效技巧就是思考甚至大声说出来:“我把我的钱包放在了梳妆台上”。
Visualize a future task by associating it with the environmental cues that you expect will be present, he says. For example, if you want to remember to buy chicken, avocados and lettuce at the grocery store, imagine the produce and meat departments and those items. 'When you get to the store, those cues help you remember,' Dr. McDaniel says.
Cognitive functioning, particularly processing speed, peaks at age 20 and the brain shrinks as we age, so things like multitasking and memory retrieval may take longer.
Doug Scharre, a neurologist at Ohio State's Wexner Medical Center, says an increase in minor memory lapses can be related to other conditions such as stress, depression or conditions like sleep apnea, which results in fatigue. Medications can also impact memory.
俄亥俄州威克什纳医疗中心(Wexner Medical Center)的神经病学家道格·莎尔(Doug Scharre)表示,轻微记忆失误的增加可能与压力、抑郁等状态或睡眠呼吸暂停(该病症会造成疲惫)等病症相关。药物也会对记忆产生影响。
Roseanne Wholey, 60-years-old, is constantly multitasking. The Pittsburgh resident runs a medical consulting business, helps manage her husband's business, runs a family foundation and takes care of her 91-year-old blind mother, high school daughter and dog.
现年60岁的罗丝安妮·霍里(Roseanne Wholey)经常同时处理多项任务。霍里家住匹兹堡,经营着一家医学咨询机构,她还要帮丈夫打理生意、管理一个家庭基金会并且照顾自己91岁的失明母亲、上高中的女儿和一只狗。
In addition to a running to-do list, she writes reminder notes on her hand. 'Sometimes I use every finger and I write all over my hand and sometimes I get down my arm because I remember so many things I need to do at night,' she says.
Even so, last week she was supposed to pick up a friend for lunch. She drove to her daughter's school instead. She loses her keys all the time, forgets to buy things at the grocery store.
The one thing she doesn't seem to lose is her notes. Two years ago she lost a purple Kate Spade sweater she had never worn. 'I still have a note to myself: Find purple sweater.'
她不会丢失的东西似乎就是她的便条。两年前,她弄丢了一件从未穿过的Kate Spade牌紫色毛衣。她说:“我现在还给自己留着一张便条:找到紫色的毛衣。”
Sumathi Reddy
Sumathi Reddy