日期:2014-04-25 13:24



"Twelve years have now elapsed since the first assassinations which proved the existence of a criminal organization in our midst. From that day these outrages have never ceased, until now they have reached a pitch which makes us the opprobrium of the civilized world. Is it for such results as this that our great country welcomes to its bosom the alien who flies from the despotisms of Europe? Is it that they shall themselves become tyrants over the very men who have given them shelter, and that a state of terrorism and lawlessness should be established under the very shadow of the sacred folds of the starry Flag of Freedom which would raise horror in our minds if we read of it as existing under the most effete monarchy of the East? The men are known. The organization is patent and public. How long are we to endure it? Can we forever live--
Sure, I've read enough of the slush!" cried the chairman, tossing the paper down upon the table. "That's what he says of us. The question I'm asking you is what shall we say to him?"
"Kill him!" cried a dozen fierce voices.
"I protest against that," said Brother Morris, the man of the good brow and shaved face. "I tell you, Brethren, that our hand is too heavy in this valley, and that there will come a point where in self-defense every man will unite to crush us out. James Stanger is an old man. He is respected in the township and the district. His paper stands for all that is solid in the valley. If that man is struck down, there will be a stir through this state that will only end with our destruction."
"And how would they bring about our destruction, Mr. Standback?" cried McGinty. "Is it by the police? Sure, half of them are in our pay and half of them afraid of us. Or is it by the law courts and the judge? Haven't we tried that before now, and what ever came of it?"
"There is a Judge Lynch that might try the case," said Brother Morris.
A general shout of anger greeted the suggestion.
"I have but to raise my finger," cried McGinty, "and I could put two hundred men into this town that would clear it out from end to end." Then suddenly raising his voice and bending his huge black brows into a terrible frown, "See here, Brother Morris, I have my eye on you, and have had for some time! You've no heart yourself, and you try to take the heart out of others. It will be an ill day for you, Brother Morris, when your own name comes on our agenda paper, and I'm thinking that it's just there that I ought to place it."
Morris had turned deadly pale, and his knees seemed to give way under him as he fell back into his chair. He raised his glass in his trembling hand and drank before he could answer. "I apologize, Eminent Bodymaster, to you and to every brother in this lodge if I have said more than I should. I am a faithful member--you all know that--and it is my fear lest evil come to the lodge which makes me speak in anxious words. But I have greater trust in your judgment than in my own, Eminent Bodymaster, and I promise you that I will not offend again."
The Bodymaster's scowl relaxed as he listened to the humble words. "Very good, Brother Morris. It's myself that would be sorry if it were needful to give you a lesson. But so long as I am in this chair we shall be a united lodge in word and in deed. And now, boys," he continued, looking round at the company, "I'll say this much, that if Stanger got his full deserts there would be more trouble than we need ask for. These editors hang together, and every journal in the state would be crying out for police and troops. But I guess you can give him a pretty severe warning. Will you fix it, Brother Baldwin?"
"Sure!" said the young man eagerly.
"How many will you take?"






伯尔斯通庄园的主人不幸惨遭杀害,死状奇惨无比,头颅几乎被枪击得粉碎,四周血肉模糊,惨不忍睹!尸体旁边留有卡片,上面潦草地写着“V.V.341”的字样。这令案子更为扑朔迷离:这张卡片难道是凶手留下来的吗?它代表什么意义?“恐怖谷”曾令道格拉斯惴惴不安。“恐怖谷”究竟是个怎样的地方?道格拉斯的死与“恐怖谷 ”又有什么关系?
阿瑟·柯南·道尔(Arthur Conan Doyle,1859—1930),英国著名侦探小说家、剧作家,现代侦探小说的奠基人之一,被誉为“英国侦探小说之父”。

  • sheltern. 庇护所,避难所,庇护 v. 庇护,保护,隐匿
  • faithfuladj. 如实的,忠诚的,忠实的
  • havenn. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,
  • districtn. 区,地区,行政区 vt. 把 ... 划分成区
  • stirn. 感动(激动,愤怒或震动), 搅拌,骚乱 vt. 激
  • apologizevi. 道歉,谢罪
  • severeadj. 剧烈的,严重的,严峻的,严厉的,严格的
  • scowln. 愁容,皱眉 v. 皱眉,(天空)变阴沉晦暗
  • deedn. 事迹,行为,[法]契约 vt. 立契转让 a
  • establishedadj. 已被确认的,确定的,建立的,制定的 动词est