And the winner is...no one.
That was the message from the China Film Directors' Guild, which declined to hand out its two top prizes--best picture and best director--for 2013, citing a lack of high-quality contenders.
这是中国电影导演协会(China Film Directors' Guild)2013年度表彰大会所传递出来的信息。此次大会年度影片和年度导演空缺,原因是缺乏高质量的参选者。
'What China's film industry needs now is not to be coddled, but to hold itself to a higher standard,' said director Feng Xiaogang, chairman of the guild's nine-director awards jury.
China's box office has been booming in recent years, growing from a mere 950 million yuan ($153 million) in 2002--when China first began allowing modern theater chains--to 21.6 billion yuan last year. But an increase in quality hasn't followed the increase in revenue, directors and many industry experts say.
'Decades ago, many film directors resolutely gave up their artistic ideals to save the Chinese film market from going bankrupt and devoted themselves to the flood of commercial films,' Mr. Feng said at the awards ceremony Wednesday night in Beijing, which was aired live on state television.
Prominent Chinese director Jia Zhangke's 'A Touch of Sin,' which won best screenplay at last year's Cannes film festival and has been critically celebrated, wasn't eligible for consideration for the awards because Mr. Jia's company couldn't provide the guild a legal copy of the film on DVD or online. This film didn't make it to China's big screens because it hasn't been approved by censors.
知名中国导演贾樟柯的《天注定》(A Touch of Sin)不符合参选条件,因为贾樟柯的公司无法向中国电影导演协会表彰大会以DVD或网络形式提供影片的合法拷贝。该片在去年的戛纳电影节上获得最佳编剧奖,受到影评人的热烈好评。由于尚未获得审查机构的批准,这部影片没有在中国影院上映。
A number of low-budget films made by young Chinese directors were also nominated for the best director and best picture awards, including 'So Young,' a story about people reminiscing about their college days by actress-turned-director Vicki Zhao.
年轻中国导演执导的几部低成本影片也入围了年度导演和年度影片奖的提名,包括演员出身的导演赵薇的《致我们终将逝去的青春》(So Young)。该片讲述的是对大学生活的回忆。
Tsai Chin, a veteran Taiwanese pop singer and actress who performed at the awards ceremony, said she was disappointed the directors didn't recognize young talent in directors like Ms. Zhao, whose movie ranked third at the Chinese box office in 2013.
'Ms. Zhao didn't win an award, and I don't know who is to blame. As a film fan, I hope that filmmakers can open their minds and find new insight and encouragement,' she said. 'We shouldn't dislike others just for being young. Who wasn't young before?'
Local productions from last year may not have won favor with Chinese directors, but they did with Chinese audiences: Domestic films accounted for 12.7 billion yuan, or about 59%, of total box-office receipts in 2013. (Chinese authorities currently have a quota for imported films, limiting them to 34 per year).
Amid the somber mood at the festival, Mr. Feng encouraged anyone who calls himself a director to return to his roots as an artist.
'It's time for us as filmmakers to resume our ideals to build the humanistic spirit of film and go back to art itself,' Mr Feng said. 'Otherwise, we are unworthy of the time and the title of film director.'