David Beckham has been trying out a series of new plays since retiring from soccer last year, including a line of fragrances and plans to buy a major league soccer club. Now, he's found another: Scotch whisky.
大卫・贝克汉姆(David Beckham)自去年挂靴退役以来尝试了一系列新玩意,包括一个香水系列,以及购买一支大联盟足球队的计划。现在他又找到了新目标:苏格兰威士忌。
Diageo PLC said Tuesday it has teamed up with Mr. Beckham to launch Haig Club--a newly created Scotch that 'showcases butterscotch and toffee.' It is the British drinks giant's latest attempt to attract new drinkers into the fast-growing whiskey category. Terms of the partnership--including any equity interest held by Mr. Beckham--weren't disclosed but Diageo said the former soccer star would help developing the brand, its strategy and positioning.
帝亚吉欧(Diageo PLC)周二说,其已经与贝克汉姆联手推出Haig Club,这是一款“呈现出奶油糖果和太妃糖风味”的新品威士忌。此举是这家英国饮料巨头吸引新饮酒者尝试增长迅速的威士忌酒类的最新尝试。这项合作的具体条款(包括贝克汉姆持有的任何股权)未予披露,但帝亚吉欧说,贝克汉姆将帮助开发该品牌以及其战略和定位。
Diageo said it is planning a global launch for Haig Club later this year, with prices starting at around $65 a bottle, according to a company spokeswoman. The brand will be part of Diageo's House of Haig, Scotland's oldest grain whiskey distiller.
帝亚吉欧发言人说,该公司计划今年晚些时候在全球推出Haig Club,起价在每瓶65美元左右。这个品牌将成为帝亚吉欧旗下House of Haig的产品之一,House of Haig是苏格兰最古老的谷物威士忌蒸馏厂。
'I'm proud to be working at the heart of a homegrown brand which has built an incredible heritage over 400 years,' Mr. Beckham said.
Mr. Beckham retired from soccer last year. While the former Manchester United and Real Madrid midfielder has held a number of sponsorship deals for many years, he has also more recently built a portfolio of business interests, including a line of Beckham-branded cologne. He has also exercised a right to buy a major league soccer franchise in Miami. A deal could take shape once he secures financing and agrees on a location for a new stadium.
贝克汉姆去年退役。这位前曼彻斯特联队(Manchester United)和皇家马德里队(Real Madrid)中场球员多年来曾经有过众多赞助交易,但他最近发展了一系列的商业兴趣,包括一个贝克汉姆品牌的男士古龙水系列。他还行使了一项买下迈阿密一支大联盟足球队的选择权。一旦他获得融资并就新场馆的选址达成一致,该交易就将成型。
Mr. Beckham and Diageo are joined in the Haig Club partnership by Simon Fuller, creator of the American Idol franchise and former manager of pop group the Spice Girls.
西蒙・福勒(Simon Fuller)也加入了贝克汉姆和帝亚吉欧就Haig Club的合作。福勒一手打造了《美国偶像》(American Idol)真人选秀节目,并曾经是流行音乐组合“辣妹”(Spice Girls)的经纪人。
Diageo didn't disclose commercial details of the deal, or whether Messrs. Beckham and Fuller had invested in the launch. A spokeswoman for Diageo said they would be 'fully involved in the development and strategy of the brand,' but declined to elaborate further.
Haig Club is the glitziest in a series of celebrity tie-ups in the liquor industry this year. Diageo has already teamed up with Sean 'Diddy' Combs to buy upmarket tequila DeLeón, while George Clooney and Justin Timberlake have also put their names on tequila brands.
今年酒类行业出现一系列与名人的合作,Haig Club是其中最抢眼的一桩。帝亚吉欧已经与说唱巨星肖恩・康姆斯(Sean "P Diddy" Combs)联手收购高档龙舌兰酒品牌DeLeon,而乔治・克鲁尼(George Clooney)和贾斯汀・汀布莱克(Justin Timberlake)也有了自己冠名的龙舌兰酒品牌。
By associating with celebrities, drinks companies hope to widen the appeal of spirits categories, which traditionally have had a relatively narrow customer base.
Whisky in particular is often seen as a drink for older men with little appeal for women or younger drinkers, but that perception is shifting as companies release new variants--such as Brown-Forman Corp.'s Jack Daniel's Tennessee Honey--which are aimed at attracting new customers. American-made bourbon whiskey has enjoyed a recent renaissance among younger drinkers, both in the U.S. and Europe. Scotch, too, is enjoying rapid growth in popularity, including in developing world markets like China. Scotch distillers have invested heavily to expand their consumer base. In 2012, Diageo said it would spend $1.54 billion to increase Scotch production over five years to meet rising demand.
威士忌尤其经常被视为老年男性的饮品,对女性或年轻的饮酒者没什么吸引力,但随着各家公司推出旨在吸引新客户的新型威士忌种类,这种印象正在改变,Brown-Forman Corp.旗下杰克丹尼(Jack Daniel)的田纳西蜂蜜酒就是一例。美国生产的波本威士忌最近在美国和欧洲的年轻饮酒者中再度流行。苏格兰威士忌的人气也迅速增加,包括在中国等发展中国家也是如此。苏格兰威士忌酒厂花费重金扩大客户群体。2012年,帝亚吉欧说其将在五年时间里斥资15.4亿美元增加苏格兰威士忌的生产,以满足增长的需求。
Grain whiskey--a variant of Scotch--is made from maize, wheat or rye, rather than malted barley, and is considered more palatable for first-time whiskey drinkers because of its milder taste.
Diageo said Haig Club would appeal to current Scotch drinkers, but also 'those who have always wanted to try whisky.'
帝亚吉欧说,Haig Club将会吸引现在爱喝苏格兰威士忌的人,同时还会吸引一直以来想要尝试威士忌风味的人。